Chapter 6: A Break in the Storm

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~~Part 1: Sneaking Around~~


You smelt a small bundle of roses that you had picked up from off the floor, single flowers that had been thrown to the center of the ring after your performance. They smelled wonderful, you couldn't wait to bring the small bouquet back to your trailer. You walked into the back section of the big top where you were alone and out of site, smiling to yourself at a job well done. Suddenly, a voice had stopped you in your tracks.

"Psssst!" You heard to your left. Your head whipped around, looking for the source of whomever was trying to get your attention.

"On your left!" Someone whisper yelled. You glanced over to your left, and behind a curtain you could see Johnny peaking through from behind a yellow curtain. You furrowed your brows, wondering what he was doing back here and what he could want. He looked around to make sure no one else had noticed you two, and motioned with his finger for you to walk over to him.

You smirked and obliged, meandering over behind the curtain. "Yes?" You whispered.

"Can I steal you?" He asked with an opportunistic smile.

"What for?" You wondered, looking at him with intrigue.

"You're done performing, right? For the night?"

"Yeah?" You answered wearily, flashing him a curious smirk.

"Then come on, they won't notice you're gone." He leaned in close in whispered in your ear. "Let's snag some popcorn from one of the venders and hang out for a little while. I heard a rumor that there's gonna be fireworks across the lake that can be seen from here, I don't wanna watch them alone."

You bit your lower lip in thought. You highly doubted anyone would notice your absence, you were basically off the clock for the night... Fuck it.

"Let's go!" You giggled, taking him by the hand and leading him out of the tent.

The two of you had snuck off to the nearby carnival that neighbored the circus set up, not necessarily a part of the attraction but happened to be going on around the same time. It was actually a good way to pull money on your family's end, seeing as most people who were at the carnival didn't mind paying for a show right next door; and vice versa.

Currently the two of you had meandered on over to a ferris wheel toward the edge of the midway, eating stolen popcorn and candy apples as fireworks lit up the sky across the water; and watched the reflection of colors as well as they rippled across the lake.

"Where are you from?" You asked, taking a small handful of popcorn from the bag between you.

"I was born in Pheonix Arizona," he started, "never really went too far out of town until I went to college. After I graduated no traditional careers really appealed to me. But I never minded physical labor, so, when the opportunity came about to hop on the circus bandwagon I said why not. I don't mind the work and, it's a way to travel across the country."

"What did you go to college for?" You wondered.

"Ethics and moral philosophy." He chuckled, brushing his hair from out of his face bashfully. "Not a lot of career options in that field unless I wanted to become a teacher or something."

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