Chapter 3

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Y/n was bored. She was laying on the floor in the throne room where Jareth and Toby were sitting on his throne. Jareth had given her a room to stay in but she didn't want to accept anything from this man. She wanted to keep an eye on Toby but mostly Jareth who refused to let the child out of his sight. At least they had one thing in common with each other. Jareth looked over at the girl who had sprawled out on the floor.

"Y/n lighten up sweet heart, your sorrow is weighing me down."

"Not going to do that Jareth." She snapped back.

"What could I do to cheer you up?" He asked. She sat up from her laying position and crossed her legs.

"Let me go! I'm sick of being here for your selfish game!" She yelled at him. Jareth didn't say anything. Y/n's yelling was no worst than baby's cry. A smirk appeared on Jareth's face as a thought came to his head. He stood up and set Toby down on the chair before he crouched down to y/n's level.

"You remind me of the babe." He said quickly and all the goblins perked up, knowing what was coming next.

"What?" She asked, confused. He smirked but the goblins around him started laughing.

"The babe with the power." He threw his hands up in the air and sparkles flew out of them.

"What power?" A small goblin asked. Y/n swore she could hear a light drum beat in the background that went along with the coming banter.

"The power of voodoo." Jareth continued.

"Who do?" Another goblin asked.

"You do." He pointed to y/n. She still sat on the floor becoming increasing confused on what was happening.

"Do what?"

"Remind me of the babe." With that all the goblins started laughing.

"QUIET! A goblin babe." Jareth said and they all started laughing. Jareth began singing a verse of this song before the rest of his goblins joined in during the chorus. Y/n stared speechless at this dance and music number going on in front of her. There was no way they planned this but they were all in perfect sync that it had to be rehearsed. Y/n looked over to Toby who was smiling, he actually was enjoying this random display of artistry. Jareth at some point pulled y/n off the ground and stun her around to dance with him. She went along with it as he continued to sing the chorus as if he was performing a spell.

"Do you guys just break into song and dance numbers randomly?" She asked once the music faded and the dancing stopped. Jareth smiled at her.

"Only sometimes, my dear." And with that comment y/n broke into a laughing fit. Jareth was surprised by her guard going down, even if it was for just a second. He looked over her features and saw her dark circles under her eyes.

"You really should get some rest y/n." He brushed her face behind her eye.

"Not on your life." She quickly turned serious and tried to pry herself out his arms. He of course wouldn't let her go, try as she might. She struggled more and more until Jareth decided to let go and she fell on the floor.

"Well then I'm off." He said as he walked away back to his throne to pick up Toby. "I'm going to retire for the night if you need me I'll be in my chambers."

"What about Toby?"

"What about him? I don't trust you not to take him and run off so he's in my care until you make a decision. Ta ta y/n goodbye."


Y/n had given in and went to her bedroom. It was a large elaborate gothic style room. It was beautiful yet eerie and y/n couldn't help but run her fingers over the woodworks. The bed frame had carvings of goblins and other creatures sculpted into it. Then there was a window that looked over all of Jareth's labyrinth. Y/n stared out at the land outside of the castle but a figure caught her eye. A young girl with straight brown hair and in a long sleeve top was walking around in a forest just outside the castle.

"Sarah?" She whispered under her breath. Y/n couldn't believe what she was seeing, Jareth told her that Sarah was still at home. Now she knew he was deceiving her, just another one of his tricks. If she could get to Sarah then y/n knew together they could take back Toby and escape together. Y/n grabbed whatever she could in the room and created a makeshift rope to climb out of the castle window


Jareth jolted awake feeling a new presence in his labyrinth. He looked to his side seeing Toby sleeping next to him. He could feel the labyrinth was raging inside and worried. But why? Jareth thought to y/n, there was no way she would try to escape leaving Toby here. He closed his eyes trying to connect with the labyrinth, his labyrinth to find y/n. She was running away from the castle towards something in the distance.

That's when he realized what y/n was running towards.

"Sarah!" Y/n called to the girl who had her back turned to her. She called her name once more but the girl didn't move. Something was wrong. Maybe it was the creepy atmosphere of the forest or the weird sounds around but y/n knew something was off.

Sarah turned around but her face made y/n stumble back. Sarah's eyes were hollow, leaving just a black void where her eyes should be. That's when y/n knew, this thing was no Sarah Williams. Shit.

The creature started smiling at y/n and not in a good way. It started to stalk towards y/n but before it could lunge at her to attack her, a figure appeared behind her.

"You stupid stupid girl!" A voice said behind her. Y/n didn't flinch, she knew who it was. Jareth.

The creature had no chance against Jareth's magic as it was projected away from the Goblin King with ease. Y/n looked back at Jareth once the creature was out of sight.

"What was that thing?"

"A creature of the labyrinth. It turns itself into whatever those who gaze upon it desire to see. If it had gotten ahold of you it would have devoured you." Jareth explained.

"I thought it was Sarah." Y/n confessed. Jareth was a bit surprised that y/n "desire" was to see Sarah. It made sense why she left the castle in such a rush. Jareth slowly brought his arms around her to embrace her.

"Sarah isn't here y/n." Jareth in fact was not lying at this moment, Sarah was nowhere near the castle. She was still wandering around on the outskirts of the labyrinth, trying to find her way to the castle with very little success.

"I know. I just thought- I'm- I'm sorry." She told him with a shaky voice. He held her to his chest, she was breaking and he knew that.

"It's alright dear, let's take you back."

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