Chapter 7

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It was the next day and the evening was rolling in. The party was in full effect. Jareth and y/n were almost done getting ready, they both did their hair and makeup. They only had to get dressed.

"When you're ready just come out, I'll be mingling so come and find me." Jareth told her.

"Okay." She smiled before entering the seamstress room. Inside she slowly took the dress and put it on. Once she was comfortable in the dress she went to grab her mask but it wasn't on the table.

"Where did it go?" She said out loud. She looked under the table and all around the open. Every drawer was opened but no sign of her mask. Y/n knew she couldn't go out mask less, she would look like a fool. She thought Jareth could make her a new one before he went to the party, however, that would require finding him. She walked towards the door, turning the knob and opening it. Instead of entering the familiar castle hallway she opened a gateway straight to the middle of the party. Speechless she stumbled out into the ballroom and the door slammed shut behind her before it disappeared.

Y/n put her hand on the wall, hoping it would come back but of course nothing happened. She cursed under her breath, this was not the situation she wanted to be in. Stupid magic. Alone surrounded by people she didn't know in a room that was overstimulating. The loud music mixed with party goers trying to talk over it was very overwhelming. The ballroom was completely transformed, unrecognizable from its normal décor. Jareth was right that his mother was an extremist when it came to party throwing.

Y/n still needed to find Jareth. She felt eyes on her and not in a good way. When she turned around the guests stopped their visual assault and returned to their conversations, pretending that they weren't being obvious. That's when she started listening to the guest's laughs and whispers as she began to walk around. It was all about her.

"I heard she's engaged to Jareth." One hippo masked woman gossiped to another woman in a horse mask as y/n walked past her.

"There's no way! Just look at her." Y/n quicken her pace to find Jareth. This was a party and she was the entertainment. She needed to find Jareth. He would protect her, or at least do something about this. She dove through a sea of people, looking for the one she needed. But how was she to find him? Everyone was wearing a mask, this mission was getting more and more impossible. Her pursuit was interrupted when a hand grabbed her wrist.

"Could I trouble you for a dance?" A man in a lionfish mask asked her.

"I'm sorry but I'm not interested." She tried to pull her hand out of his grip but he didn't let go.

"Someone like you shouldn't be alone here." Y/n didn't like the way he said that to her, she actually wanted to punch him. However, she was in public and couldn't do that.

"I'm alright, thanks for your concern." Y/n said, her kind voice slipping into a sarcastic tone. She jerked her hand free of the stranger who's smile flipped to a frown before she ran off. The lionfish man turned to one of his corrades and whispered into her ear and she laughed.

Y/n continued her search for Jareth, running down a flight of stairs praying she wouldn't trip. Never did she think she'd actually be looking for him but here she was.

The eyes were still on her, no matter what she did. It was suffocating with all the people around her.

"Care to dance?" Another masked man asked, this time he was a snake.

"No, I'm alright." She waved him off. The advances started to get more aggressive towards her. The guests were touching her dress as she walked by, some were trying to grab her. Individuals were laughing and sometimes they laughed in y/n's personal bubble. She couldn't breathe, she wanted nothing more than to collapse on the floor.

It all came to a head when she bumped into a man wearing a black mask with horns. It was like no animal she had seen before, y/n thought she was going to collapse but the gentleman put one of his hands on her side trying to support her.

"I'm sorry, pardon me." She said tiredly. The man didn't say anything, he removed his mask very slowly, revealing his real face.

"Jareth." She breathed out.

"Are you alright, y/n?" He asked worriedly. Y/n wanted to burst into tears as she shook her head no. Fuck anyone who would judge her moment of weakness but she was at her wits end. The eyes were still on her, wondering what she would do next.

"No, everyone here is psychotic. I feel like one wrong move and they'll rip me to shreds." Jareth's eyes moved from y/n to the people around them, observing what was going on. He knew what they were doing, intimidating her, isolating her. They were just stuck up nobles, unable to see that it was so much more than a symbol of wealth. They must have knowledge of his betrothal to y/n, explaining the stares. Jareth brought his hand up to her face, she was warm.

"You're unwell." He pointed out. Jareth slowly began to guide y/n to a more secluded area, away from prying eyes.

"Do you wish to leave? I'll take you back to my room."

"No no, I should stay, you made me this dress. They will wonder why I ran off, giving them more to gossip about." Y/n said trying to convince Jareth she was fine, but he knew better.

"My love, there are more days to this party, it is only the first night." Y/n looked off into the crowd, debating what she should do. Jareth was offering her an out, she wanted to take it but she was fearful. She had come to terms that she was the future Goblin Queen and if she left this party, would it damage Jareth's reputation. Jareth stared into y/n's eyes trying to read what she was thinking, he knew she was overthinking this.

"I'll tell you what. Tonight we go back to my room, rest up, and tomorrow we'll enter the party together. I'll stay will you." Jareth put a hand on her cheek, bringing her back to the real world.

"Okay." She sighed, giving in. Jareth looked over the crowd before pulling her into a hug. As y/n felt Jareth's body come closer to hers, she looked at the top of a staircase. There stood Jareth's mother, her cold eyes glaring at the couple and it made y/n shiver. Jareth kissed her forehead before he snapped his fingers and the couple disappeared.

Now that the human and her protector were gone, the real fun could start.

Once the couple returned to Jareth's room, Jareth helped y/n untie her dress before giving her some privacy. Jareth gave y/n a silk night gown for her to sleep in. Once she was done she went to the bed to wait for Jareth.

"Y/n don't overthink it, here have some water." Jareth entered the room and handed her a glass of water which she took.

"I don't think your mother likes me very much." She said quietly before sipping the glass.

"She doesn't like anyone that much anyways. If she gives you a dirty look, don't take it to heart."


"Don't be so somber about it, we'll sleep well tonight and tomorrow I'll make sure you have fun." Jareth said as he walked over to the other side of the bed that y/n was not occupying and climbed in.

"If you say so." Y/n said.

"I know so. Goodnight dear." Jareth said before kissing her temple and laying down. The lights in the room slowly began to dim as y/n settled into the large mattress.

"Goodnight Jareth."

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