Chapter 2

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Y/n woke up on a hard floor but was startled when she heard Toby crying. She sat up and took in her surroundings of this unknown location. Immediately she regretted her decision when she saw a bunch of little gray goblins staring at her. She stared at them for a moment as she questioned whether this was a dream or not. Her fear was very noticeable on her face and the little goblins began to laugh at her.

"What the fuck." She stood up to get somewhat out of their reach. She saw Toby sitting on the floor with the Goblins crying because they were teasing him.

"Hey!" She yelled at them and they tried poking her with dull little knives before she started kicking them out of her way. When they realized they were no match for the human girl, they scattered, giving her a clear path to Toby. Y/n scooped him up in his arms and bounced gently him in her arms.

"That goodness you're okay." She hugged the baby, questioning what she should do next. The man who kidnapped her wasn't here and the goblins who were supposed to guard her weren't doing a good job. She decided to explore that castle and try to take back what power she thought she had.

While that was happening Sarah had met the Goblin King. She explained that she in fact didn't mean to wish away her babysitter and brother but it was too late. However there was a loophole that Jareth told her about. If she could face his labyrinth, become a runner, complete the labyrinth before time ran out then she could have the chance to get her brother back. She decided that she was going to fix her mistake and take on Jareth's challenge.

Once Sarah started the challenge, Jareth returned to his castle in chaos. The goblins were freaking out because of the terror that was y/n. The girl figured she really had nothing to lose, so destroying her kidnappers home was the best choice.

"What is all this ruckus?" Jareth yelled in his throne room. On of his goblins appeared on his shoulder, he was shaking before explaining to his master.

"Master Jareth, it's the girl, she's destroying the castle." One of the goblins explained before glass shattering sounds were heard in the distance.

"How curious." He smiled.

"What should we do, master?"

"Nothing, I'll handle it." He said before he walked away.
Once he came upon y/n she was holding Toby while knocking over everything in her path. Vases, tables, grand portraits, nothing was safe from her wrath as she kept going. Jareth had enough of her disobedience and snapped his fingers. In an instant Toby disappeared from y/n's arms and he was now in Jareth's. Y/n quickly panicked when the baby was no longer in her grasp and turned around to find Jareth with Toby.

"You." Y/n sneered pointing a finger at Jareth. She knew who this man was, he kidnapped her and Toby.

"Me? What have I done?" He said in a fake concerned voice.

"Give me the baby." She told him sternly. Jareth noted her feistiness, and he liked it. He didn't really like her destroying the castle but that could be fixed easily.

"No, especially because you keep acting like a raging wild animal. I think I'll keep him." Jareth snapped back.

"No, actually you need to let us go!" She marched right up to him till she was about a foot away. Jareth let out a long sigh.

"I have already explained this to you. You were wished away, and it is my job to fulfill that."

"Your job?" Y/n asked, confused. Who the hell's job was it to kidnap people?

"Yes and that girl- oh what was her name- Sarah. She wished you and her brother away. That is why I've come to take you."

"And you are?" A smirk grew on his face at her question.

"I am Jareth, The Goblin King. And you my dear y/n are in my castle." Y/n couldn't believe what she was hearing. Sarah had actually done this, though she knew that it had to be an accident. And how did he know her name? That doesn't matter, he clearly possessed magic. Wait, magic was real? Y/n felt light headed how was she supposed to stay calm and collected if she was kidnapped by this magically weirdo.

"Come to my throne room, we can talk there." He turned away with Toby still in hand and walked away. Y/n knew she had no choice but to follow so that's what she did.


"In thirteen hours this babe will turn into a goblin." Once they were in the throne room, Jareth dropped that bombshell on y/n. He was sitting on his throne, bouncing Toby on his knee.

"What?" She screamed.

"Hours here are much different from your world I can assure you." Jareth explained to her as if that's what she was worried about.

"Doesn't matter, I don't want Toby to turn into one of these things."

"You didn't let me finish my dear. I'll make a deal with you instead. If you stay here, become my bride, I will let the child go."

"What?" She took a step back but the goblins behind her tripped her and she fell on the floor.

"I promise I will send the child home." He said once again. Y/n thought for a moment, Jareth had yet to mention Sarah. There was no way she didn't know that herself and Toby were missing.

"Where is Sarah now?" Y/n stood back up and dusted herself off. These goblins were a real pain and she was planning on murdering one of them. Jareth set Toby on the ground and walked closer to y/n. A crystal ball appeared in his hand showing an image of Sarah, she was indeed sleeping in her room unaware of any of this.

"She is at home, asleep, she's not even worried about you." He told her. His voice was convincing but he wasn't telling the truth. Sarah was currently running around the labyrinth trying to save them, but y/n didn't know that. She was believing him and Jareth had just shown her proof that all hope was lost.

"No." Y/n whispered in despair.

"I know that's not what you wanted to hear, my sweet, but no one is coming to rescue you." He lifted his gloved hand to her and reached for her cheek but she pulled away.

"Toby is not turning into one of those things." She said through grit teeth.

"Oh but he will, once a human child spends more than thirteen hours in my realm, they turn into a goblin.

"And what about me?"

"You are not a child, you'll stay as is. But I already told you that you could save him from this fate. If you stay here, be my bride, he'll go home."

"I... I don't know."

"Well you have about twelve hours to consider it~" Jareth said before he turned away to sit back on his throne. The goblin king knew how to play the game and currently he was winning.

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