Chapter 5

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Two days. It had been two days since Sarah and Toby returned home. Y/n just wandered around her large room just trying not to be upset. Everyday she was provided with meals so she wasn't worried about going hungry. There was also no Jareth so she felt relieved to be alone minus seeing the occasional goblin. She raided her closet which was filled with ball gowns and other clothes that looked like they were from a Shakespeare play. Just exploring her room kept her busy.

She was tired of feeling sorry for herself and knew it was time to make the best of this situation. Her mood started to pick up and she decided she was ready to leave her room. Exploring the castle started nice so that's what she did after getting dressed. Y/n exited her room and walked straight into an unfamiliar area of the castle. She knew that getting lost in her was inevitable and actually was welcoming it. This palace was so huge especially for Jareth and his goblins. One would assume y/n was in the west wing of the castle based on how creepy it was. Y/n thought she was going crazy because this part of the castle felt colder than the others. She ignored her nerves going off and continued on.

"Y/n~" A sweet voice sang through the halls. Y/n looked around for the owner of the voice, it certainly wasn't Jareth because the voice was femenine. Y/n walked towards the sound, going up a pair of small white stairs as the voice got louder and louder.

"Hello?" Y/n called at the base of the new hallway, her voice echoed down it. No response but a slight whisper of the wind brushing y/n's ears. Y/n took a step into this unknown part of the castle.

"Jareth?" She called out into the dark hallway. Maybe he was messing with her. The more and more she advanced down the hallway the more the interior started to decay. Every part of her body was screaming to turn around and run away but she continued. As if someone had an invisible rope tied to her, she kept walking forward.

"Oh you poor thing." A voice whispered in her ear. Y/n stopped in her tracks and looked around, but nothing was there. She walked over to a wall and put her back against it. "Don't worry, I'll sent you free." It whispered behind her and y/n turned around, staring at the wall.

"What?" Y/n asked before she felt two hands on her back. Whoever this person or creature was then pushed her. Instead of her falling on the marble floor, she fell down a hole in the ground that previously wasn't there. She screamed falling down this magical tunnel to an unknown place. It wasn't until she finally hit the ground that her descent stopped.

"Ouch! Who the hell was that?" She looked at where she fell from and saw a brick wall with a hole in it. She stood up and brushed the dirt off her clothes.

"I'm in the labyrinth." Y/n said to herself trying to ground herself on what was happening. Jareth wouldn't push her to end up here, he told her it was dangerous and he would never put her in harm's way. So what was going on?


Jareth sat in his throne fidgeting with his crystal balls in his hand when his chest jolted. Something was off, not just in the Labyrinth but in the castle. A new presence had appeared and it wasn't y/n. Whoever it was, they were able to sneak in undetected until now.

"Goblins." He demanded their attention and they all looked at him.

"Someone is in the castle. Find them!" And with those words the goblins scrabbered to do their king's bidding. Jareth himself stood up and walked to y/n's room. If there was an intruder, he needed to know she was safe. He knocked on her door, not wanting to invade her privacy, but there was no answer.

"Y/n, I'm coming in." He said but when he opened the door he found an empty room. His fears were confirmed, y/n was missing and it was possibly because of the other presence in the house. Jareth let out a frustrated hum, before he walked back into the main part of the castle.


Y/n wasn't sure of what to do, she could wait for Jareth and risk getting attacked, or she could try to find her way to the castle. Even though she knew it was dangerous, she chose the latter.

She picked a direction and began to drag her hand on the brick wall as she walked towards what she thought was the way to the castle. She hummed the 'magic dance' song that Jareth had sung before making her more comfortable as she continued down the trail.


Jareth felt a chill down his spine, unknowingly y/n was giving her location to him. He let out a shaky breath as the feeling continued. Jareth wanted to laugh at the situation he was in, but he was happy to know where y/n was. Suddenly a goblin popped next to his side to give him the latest news on the intruder.

"Master, we cannot find lady y/n or the intruder." He told Jareth.

"Look harder, I found y/n. The intruder is more my concern." The goblin nodded before running off. Jareth let out a sigh before he snapped his fingers and disappeared. He had been away from y/n for two long. It was time for them to reunite.


Y/n continued founding the brick wall before turning a corner before Jareth appeared on the other side.

"I found you." He smiled at her. She jumped back almost having a heart attack.

"Don't do that!" She yelled as she hit him in the shoulder and he laughed at her antics. After she was done assaulting him, she opened her arms to embrace him. He gladly accepted the hug from her.

"Now how did you end up here?" He asked as he caressed her hair.

"Someone pushed me down a hole and I ended up here!" She ranted.

"I see. You're lucky you didn't run into any creatures before I found you. Actually you're close to the home of The Fireys, it would have been hard to escape them if you stumbled into their territory." He told her. Y/n gave Jareth a concerned look and made a note to ask him later about them.

"How did you know I was here?" Y/n asked.

"The labyrinth and I are one, I figured you would realize that by now. I am quite literally the heart of the labyrinth. So when a new presence appears in the labyrinth I know about it." Y/n pondered that new information.

"So when there's a runner..." Y/n began to trail off but Jareth finished her thought.

"I know their every move, beautiful."

"That's great, can we leave now?" She asked. Y/n was over the eerie atmosphere of the labyrinth and would rather be with Jareth at the castle. Jareth smiled at her request.

"As you wish." 

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