Chapter 9

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Y/n stood in the middle of a street, her street to be exact. She looked around at the familiar houses and mailboxes. She was home, back in the human realm. That was the reality that came crashing down on her, she was back home. She left Jareth's castle and he had no idea. Y/n was still in her ball gown, if anyone looked outside their house hse probably looked crazy.

Y/n began walking towards her house, if anyone could help her it was her parents. However, she stood in front of her old home which was now a different color and the cars in the driveway weren't hers nor her parents. The mailbox had an unfamiliar last name and her hope was fleeing.

No one could help her.

She wanted nothing more than to break down crying, she was frustrated. Then she remembered something very important.

She used to babysit her neighbor next door.

Y/n practically picked up her dress and ran towards the neighbors house. The mailbox had the last name "Williams" written on it and y/n knew she hit the jackpot. She composed herself and knocked on the door.

"Hello? How can I help you?" A young woman with straight brown hair opened the door.

"Yes, my name is y/n-"

"Y/n? Oh my God y/n!" The girl tackled y/n in a hug. "It's me Sarah."

"Wait, Sarah , you look so much older."

"I'm 27."

"You're lying, I was only in Goblin City for a few weeks."

"Y/n it's been 11 years since everything happened. More importantly, how are you here?" Y/n faced strunched in anger.

"That stupid fucking woman sent me here. Jareth's mother- oh she's a massive bitch- Jareth is in danger." She came to the sudden realization that he was alone with that vial woman.

"Y/n calm down you mean to tell me the man who basically kidnapped you is in trouble and you are concerned about him."


"But you're free, he has no power over you now. You can go back to living a normal life and he won't bother you."

"Sarah it's been 11 years everyone probably thinks I'm dead most likely and besides..."

"Besides what?"

"I care for Jareth, he's been nothing but kind to me. I may even like the affection he gives me." Y/n explained becoming quieter as she voiced her thoughts. "And now I have reason to believe he's in danger." Sarah let out a dramatic sigh before grabbing y/n wrist and dragging her upstairs. Sarah knew if y/n didn't want to stay here, she couldn't force her to. She knew the way to help her. There was a spare bedroom inside Sarah's house that held something that could help them. Sarah pulled a box out of the cabinet and inside was a small clear ball.

"What is it?" Y/n asked.

"A crystal, Jareth left me with it as a reminder of everything that happened when I went to the Labyrinth. Toby doesn't remember anything because he was a baby but this had been proof for me that I wasn't crazy. I did wish away my brother that night and my sitter sacrificed herself so we could go home. It was a lot for me to take in and I was afraid for you but there's magic in this thing."

"There is?"

"Yes, it's a very little amount, but sometimes it showed me a glimpse of your life with Jareth."

"So what does that mean?"

"If I command it to it will show me Jareth."

"Well get on with it." Sarah nodded and carefully grabbed the ball in her hand. She held it on the tips of her fingers, similar to how Jareth did it before speaking.

"Show me the Goblin King." Sarah said in a light voice and the ball began to glow.


Jareth was pacing around the castle, he was angry. His mother had disappeared from the party and he could no longer feel the presence of y/n. He had a sneaking suspicion that both cases were related.

"Sarah?" He whispered, feeling eyes watching him. He turned around and looked at a random spot in the ceiling. Y/n and Sarah were surprised Jareth knew of their spying.

"What are you doing?" He asked curiously before his mother came running up to him.

"Jareth darling, there you are!" She cried and his attention was ripped away from the prying eyes.

"Mother? Where have you been?"

"Preparing." She said with a smile.

"For what?"

"Your new engagement."

"Wh-" Jareth couldn't get a word in before his mother cut him off.

"I've dealt with the human girl and now you're free to marry-" Her tone was sour and her mention of the 'human girl' caught Jareth's full attention.

"Human girl? You mean y/n? Was her disappearance your doing?" Anger quickly flooded Jareth veins. Y/n was his. Anyone who touched her would feel the goblin king's wrath.

"Yes, come now we have much to do." Jareth realized what was happening, y/n was back in the human realm. His mother sent her there, for reasons he didn't understand and Sarah was using her crystal ball to message him.

"Jareth? Are you coming?" His mother asked after he didn't follow her. He stood there, his anger was boiling over. He was trapped in this realm unless someone summoned him

"Get out." He said. Dark clouds began to surround the castle.

"Excuse me?"

"I said GET OUT!" His voice ripped through the room like a hurricane. His mother went flying towards the ball room. Decorations were falling from the ceiling, anything glass shattered.

Even Sarah's crystal ball cracked with Jareth's rage as the girls watched all this unfolded.

"We have to do something now! He's angry." Y/n told Sarah.

"I could send you away... like last time." Sarah suggested.

"That just might work."

"Goblin King Goblin King wherever you may be, take this friend of mine away from me!" Sarah screamed to the sky. Lightning cracked outside.

For a moment nothing happened.

"Did it work?" Y/n asked

The answer came in the form of the wind picking up outside as it hallowed through the room.

"There you are." Jareth whispered in y/n ear. She jumped at his sudden appearance but turned around to hug him. Sarah started absolutely shocked that the Goblin King was standing besides y/n.

"Jareth." Y/n breathed out happily.

"Let's go home."

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