7-Sad Ending

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They started to fight hard with the zombies. The psycho zombie wouldn't stop attacking Asha. From north, south, east, west all the existing directions the psycho zombie is attacking Asha. She is trying her best to fight and avoid the psycho zombie. Jungkook became so mad at this point about the psycho zombie. So, he ran towards the psycho zombie and punched the zombie hard. The zombie then flew outside the window. While, Shine struggled to reach the painting but failed to notice the zombie behind her. When she finally noticed the zombie, it was too late, it opened its bloody mouth and was about to bite her. By seeing that she closed her eyes tight and held the painting in her hand really tight cause she didn't have any way to escape. But she didn't feel the zombie bite so she opened her eyes to see Charles getting bitten instead of her. By seeing that Shine's eyes became teary.

Charles then ripped the painting and gave the key to Shine and said "Go and open the door." But Shine did not move an inch. "Why did you do that?" she asked. "Don't worry it's not your fault I was already bitten by a zombie." He said and showed another bite-mark to her. But still Shine did not go anywhere. She just gave the key to Tony and Tony went to open the door. "I have to say something to you" said Shine but she was stopped by Charles saying "Is this the time t-", he tried to say something but stopped by Shine saying "I love you. I always loved you for a few years now. But I am so confused and shy, so I couldn't tell you. But now I feel really bad about it I-" but she was once again stopped by Charles' voice saying "I thought I am the only one who felt that way.." "You a-" Shine tried to say something to Charles but before finishing her words she was pulled to the rooftop by Joe. And they closed the door cause everyone else was already there in the rooftop. Shine started crying a lot after going to the rooftop falling on her knees. After seeing her like that Lucy tried to console her. Everyone was shocked on seeing Lucy like that. Tina also joined her. Asha was about to go to Shine but stopped when Jungkook held her hand with his cold hand while saying "Come on let's go and sit over there" "Kook. You are acting really weird" she said with fear and worry dancing in her eyes. "Didn't I tell you I wanna shower all my love before we die." Said Jungkook with a small sad smile on his face. "Yes, you said that but no one's gonna die so s-" she started speaking with tears flowing down her eyes. She got him back after years. Now she knows for sure that she loves him. But why is she feeling like she is about to loose him again? But this time it might be a permanent and irreplaceable loss.

"Shhh..." he said and put his index finger on Asha's lips to stop her. At this point Asha know that something definitely is wrong with him. It feels like he is speaking his last words. "You are so strong right?" he asked but she didn't reply anything she just stared at him with teary eyes. "Please stay strong and you have to survive, ok?" at this point Asha started to cry her eyes out hitting Jungkook's chest weakly saying no. "We are going to survive together ok we w-" she started speaking but Jungkook caught both her hands and is holding both her hands in his one hand. He then showed the bite mark in his leg. Seeing that "No. No. No. No. This, this can't be true... No n-" she started mumbling while still staring at the bite mark in his leg not wanting it to be true. "Asha, look at me babe please..." he said begging for her attention. "No! you p- promised me th- that you will never leave me you y-" she tried to talk but couldn't even speak cause she's crying really hard.

While Mark and Joe are watching them from a distance. Jungkook is also on the verge of crying after seeing Asha like this but he wiped away his tears and made her sit and he sat beside her. He made Asha lean on his chest and Asha did it and hugged him really tight not wanting him to leave her again but permanently this time. "Don't worry even if you can't see me and feel me near you. I will always be with you I-" he was talking but stopped by a slap from Asha. "No, you can't leave me. I want to see you and feel you all the time near me by my side forever, till the end of this life. There are always people who are immune in the movies yo-" she was speaking but was stopped by Jungkook saying "But it's not a movie and I am turning into one of them I can feel it." "No n-" she started speaking again but was stopped by Jungkook. "Shh please listen to me. I don't want to hurt anyone so I'm gonna jump from there. You know what? I always wanted to jump from a building and see how it feels like." he said while chuckling lightly with tears in his eyes. "Who even wants to do that" she said while crying. "I want to. And always remember this" he said and hugged her tight and started singing "Still with You".

When he started to sing everyone started looking at him. Shine still crying. After listening to him singing they remembered their other friends and everyone started crying. While singing Jungkook broke the hug, got up and held Asha's hand to get up. He took her to her brother and Mark held her tight and nodded his head looking at Jungkook. Jungkook also nodded back and kissed Asha on her forehead for some time and went to the end of the rooftop and climbed on the wall at the roof edge and finished the song by singing "Still with you.... I'm so sorry for leaving you again my angel. But I love you soo much. I really do and I always did."

"I love you a lot too my Googie." Said Lilly by spoiling the mood and made everyone disgusted by her words. To which he snapped back saying "Come out of your delusional world Lilly." With a deadly glare still standing on the edge wall of the roof top. "I'm really sorry for everything I did Jungkook." Said Lucy being genuinely sorry to which he nodded and looked at Asha and Mark for the last time. "Please take care of her for me bro. This time I am leaving her forever. And please stay safe my love..." he said and jumped from the rooftop with his eyes closed and tears falling from them. His mind replayed all his beautiful memories with Asha and his family. He was so worried and afraid to leave her like that but he doesn't have a choice either. With that he reached the ground with a huge force, he felt the pain for a second and blank. He was lying there on a blood pool with his own blood in it.

By seeing him falling from there Asha fell on her knees and started to cry really hard. Lilly glared at Asha and went towards her with range in her eyes and slapped her and started choking her while saying "You are the reason for his death. You are t-" She was stopped by a hard slap and a push by Mark but Asha didn't do anything. She was just so weak to do anything. "You better stay away from my sister!!" Mark warned Lilly but she started talking again "Why though, she is a murderer. She killed my bunny my Googie. She even knew well about the escape room why did she bring us here? We could have go-" but was stopped by Shine. "Shut the fuck up Lilly. If we went there all of us would be dead by now." Saying that she went to Asha and hugged her, Stacey also joined her.

While Tony, Leo, Lara, Lucy and Tina were trying to get the attention of the people outside. This was captured by a news channel and was telecasted. By seeing that Lucus and team decided to go there by helicopter with an army team to help the students to escape.

But the banging on the door of the rooftop suddenly increased and everyone was afraid because of this. So, Mark, Joe, Tony and Leo went near the door and *bang* the door opened and the first thing came in was the psycho zombie. Though they managed to close the door before the other zombies entering to the roof top the psycho zombie managed to go in. Mark started fighting with the psycho zombie and the other boys were busy holding the door. After seeing it Asha ran to help her brother but before she could do anything her brother and the psycho zombie fell from the rooftop. No one expected it to happen but Mark along with that psycho zombie fell from the rooftop....

(This is not the actual ending)

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