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Lilly ran towards the roof edge and started speaking, "Ask them to take away the helicopter. I don't want to go. My Goggie is dead so I don't have any reason to live either." Hearing that Lara said "Ahh ask them to take away the helicopter." Being irritated, and they did as she said. "The helicopters are gone just get down." Said Lucus in a done tone to which Lilly also got down from the roof edge.

Lara turned to Asha and started speaking to her. "So, tell me more about the zombies mmm" she stopped, since she don't know Asha's name. Seeing Lara's reaction Asha introduced herself saying "Asha. My name is Asha." Then Lilly also introduced herself "And I'm Lilly." Lara, nodded as a response and gave some food and water that they bought to Lilly and Asha. While eating Asha started to talk. "Well as I already said there are three types of zombies type one has good hearing sense, type two is fast and type three has good smelling sense, I guess. I'm not sure about the third type, cause they are kinda similar to the first type of zombies." "Why do you think so?" asked Coni to which Asha replied "Cause, both are in similar speed so I can't actually differentiate them that easily. I noticed the third type while fighting as a group with my classmates in our classroom. While fighting a student was like sitting in a corner without making any noise but few zombies somehow found that student..." "With their good smelling ability?" Asked Lucus. "Yes, I guess so. And, if you guys think you can use guns to attack them, then it's a wrong idea. Fight them physically. Try not to make any noise. Type two zombies are really dangerous so be careful." Asha stopped talking to drink some water and continued talking "The weakness of the second type is they attack really fast but their vision is not as good as the other types. Since the other types move slower than the type two, they can see better." "So, if we move slowly the type two zombies might not notice us, right?" asked Lucus. "Yes, that's right. But the other two types can, so be careful." Asha warned. "Do you have any gun that doesn't make noise while shooting?" asked Asha and all the military people except Lara shacked their head as a no.

"Then use the gun only if you really need to, only if you don't have any other choice. Please don't kill the students, if the scientists find a cure, we can save them, right?" Asha said and turned towards Lara. The whole time Lilly was just listening silently while eating her food. "We'll definitely find a cure don't worry. And please stay alive, seems like you lost some of your precious people-" Lara was about to talk more but stopped when Lilly started talking "Yeah she killed my Googie and her brother." "Shut up!" Jack said sternly and looked at Asha, she looked really sad. Lara then tried to console Asha saying "They definitely won't want you to die. So, you should live for them too, ok?" And, Asha nodded her head agreeing to what Lara said with a sad expression in her face.

*Somewhere inside the school (on the ground floor) *

Jungkook and Mark's voices where heard? "Of course, we don't want her to die. My girl is really clever so she will survive." Said Jungkook "What is happening there tell me too." Asked Mark being frustrated since he can't hear the conversation happening on the rooftop. Jungkook then said the whole conversation to Mark and said "She said type two is really dangerous so you are dangerous bro" to which Mark said "You're just jealous cause you can't move as fast as I can" and did 😝 and Jungkook turned his head to the other side being mad at Mark. "But bro our strength and smelling sense increased though. Why is that?" Asked Jungkook being confused. "Maybe because we are still humans I guess" answered Mark. "Bro let's surprise her when they come down." Said Jungkook and Mark agreed so they did a hi-fi.

*On the rooftop*

Lara started speaking after both Lilly and Asha are done eating. "So, we need some samples to test on so we must get them" "And there are students in the escape rooms." Said Asha. "What do you mean by escape rooms?" asked Lucus. "There are few escape rooms in the ground floor under the ground. Though students don't know about it all the teachers know about it. In case of any emergency or any attacks we can escape or hide safely using those rooms." Said Asha. "How do you know all these things?" asked Lara and Asha replied "I'm so close with the chairman's family so they told me everything about the school."

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