11- Plot Twist(final ch)

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Suddenly the zombies attacking Lara flew away because someone kicked it. That someone saved Lara and the samples with her. That someone also helped the others.

Jungkook and Mark were surprised to see him. "Just go from here and follow the speaker sound zombies!" all of a sudden Asha shouted. Everyone turned to see her being there in front of them out of nowhere. "Just how fast are you?" Charlees asked being shocked at how fast she is. There are only few zombies here. As soon as Asha shouted the zombies started leaving. But why?

"Whaa my bro RJ increased the volume at the right time" "Thanks to him the zombies left." Said Mark and Jungkook. Everyone sighed in relief. Though some of the soldiers got bitten most of them are safe.

*Flashback* In the radio room*

"Please play something more louder or try increasing the volume or something." Said Asha to RJ and Queen. "Ammm actually the problem is there is a software in this system that is preventing me from increasing the volume further" RJ replied. "Don't worry I'll help you with it." Queen spoke. "What can you do?" "Don't you know my interest for computer? We'll take care of it, Asha." "Oh ok." Asha said to Queen. "You know what you are really beautiful. Never hide your face again. Ok" "Ok" Asha said with a small smile.

She asked them not to make any noise and took the door and fixed it a bit so that the zombies won't enter and was about to go to the others, cause she knew they needed her help. That's when Charlees came. He also has high hearing capacity like Jungkook.

Charlees asked Asha to stay to protect RJ and Queen, then went to help others. Asha also went there anyway, since she thought they needed her help too after making sure both RJ and Queen will be safe. They increased the volume successfully and the zombies also went away.

*End of flashback*

So, after all the zombies are gone Lara took some samples of Asha's blood, cause she actually turned into a zombie to be more precise she died because of the zombie virus and came back to life. Then they went downstairs, RJ and Queen joined the others and they finally reached the ground floor. There were some zombies and they also found some students who are like Mark, Jungkook and Charlees. It looked like it's common cause there are other students who didn't turn into a zombie even after getting bitten. Lara took samples from everyone. When Asha asked the other students with some abilities what where they doing all this time. They answered that they were helping some students and kept them safe in the escape room. Hearing that everyone became happy. Mark with Lucus and some soldiers went to an escape room and Asha, Jungkook and some other soldiers went to the chairman's room. There are a few escape rooms in the school's ground floor to fit all the students in there in case of emergency.

As soon as Asha and Jungkook entered the chairman's room Jungkook's mom opened the door. He went inside the escape room and hugged his mother. He was so happy to see his mother being safe. "Where is Asha?" Jungkook's mom asked to Jungkook. "She came with me. She must be outside." He replied.

Simultaneously Asha found something in the drawer of the chairman's table. It looked like Jungkook's father came here before this happened. It's some documents about the research done on that student which caused this zombie outbreak. While Asha is seeing all the documents Jungkook and his mother came to her so she hid the documents before anyone else would see it.

"Oh dear. Are you alright" Jungkook's mom asked to Asha. "Yes" she said and hugged Jungkook's mom.

While at the same time some of the soldiers are trying to close the entries of the school building so that more zombies won't enter inside. And other soldiers are helping the safe students to go to the rooftop to escape. The helicopters are taking the students to the military camp. Lot of students actually escaped from the zombies and kept themselves safe inside the escape room. There were rations in all the escape rooms so they also had food and even a restroom. Safe students from all the escape rooms were taken to the military camps. Jungkook's mom also went to the camp.

Now there are some soldiers and the students with abilities along with Jungkook, Mark and Asha are here checking the whole school if any safe students are there. Since the students who got bitten by zombies and didn't turn into one won't be recognised by the zombies they even went outside the building to see if any other survivors are there. Some teachers and lots of students were safe because of the escape rooms. Though many students turned into zombies they are happy that at least these students are alive.

After checking the whole school campus all the others left in the school also went to the military camp like the other survivors.
The parents of students were demanding to see and meet their children but since they are quarantined no one is allowed to meet them. The military officials released the details of the survived students. But nothing about the students with special abilities are disclosed. According to the public they are survivors. After lot of tests and a month and a half of quarantine the survivors were left free.

Well about the zombies since they are like walking dead bodies within two days their body decayed and they lost their energy and everything. They couldn't even stand. To protect the country from further spread of the virus the school campus with all the zombies were burnt. After everything is completely burnt, they completely cleaned and disinfected the whole place. With some symptoms all the people in the country were tested for the infection. Fortunately, no one is infected.

After the quarantine Jungkook and Asha started dating. They arranged other schools for the survived students. Everyone was having a happy life after the incident. Well about the powers they still have it. Even after lot of experiments no one could find why they got such abilities or why they didn't turn into an undead like the others. The virus is still in their blood except for Asha. The students like Jungkook and Mark has the virus in their blood but it is inactive and it doesn't even spread that's why they are left free. About Asha it looks like the virus completely disappeared from her body. She doesn't even have any antibodies to defend the virus still she got a bunch of abilities and no virus in her body. They tried to find an antidote from her blood but it just doesn't seem to have any antibodies. The blood samples that Lara took from Asha while she was still a zombie was completely infected, but the samples she took after Asha turned back into a human had no virus in it. Even if they tried to infect her blood with the virus, it just doesn't want to infect her blood. It seems like the virus just wants to stay away from her blood and don't want to infect her. Everyone was so confused seeing that.

*After Two and a half years*

It's been two and a half years after this incident. Now everything is peaceful. It's just a normal day. As usual Jungkook and Asha are fighting with each other for literally no reason while walking in the road side. They are actually on a date but fighting. All of a sudden, a truck is out of control and is about to hit a school bus on the road. Asha was asked to keep her abilities a secret from the public not only her all the others with abilities are asked not to use it. But Asha couldn't see all those small kids die in front of her eyes. So, she used her speed to go inside the truck and stopped the truck at the right time. The accident was about to happen because the driver is unconscious. The people surrounded within no time. They were wondering what happened to the driver, during that time Asha escaped from the crowd and went to Jungkook. He seems like he is not feeling well. "Are you ok Kook?" "I should ask you that why did y-"

Before Asha and Jungkook could finish their conversation, lots of screams where heard and they saw the truck driver who was unconscious earlier turned into a zombie. Not only him lots people were randomly turning into zombies.

"You won't turn into one, right?" Asha asked Jungkook while holding his hand tight. "You can't and you should not turn into one ok" to which Jungkook answered "Yes my lady"

Not only the people in this place. People from all over the country, no people all over the world are randomly turning into zombies and no one knows the reason.....

                                                                    School of the Undead


                                                                                  The End

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