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I was ran down the dark allyway of Gotham panting as ragged breaths escaped my mouth my chest and lungs burning on fair as a sign telling me to stop but I just couldn't because if I did I would die and if I died my baby would have no one to live with, so I pushed further not caring whether my clothes got torn amnd my thighs got cuts all over them I needed to escape.

As I was running I failed to notice the bleach blong girl standing there with a gun.

"Goodnight puddin" that's all I heart before I felt something sharp enter my heart and I slowly lost my vision not before calling my daughter's name.

"Jacquline Mommy loves you" that's how I died at the age of 16

And with that Lily's life one Earth was over or so she thought.


The irritating sound of an alarm clock woke up a red head from her deep sleep, the red head yawned and stretched her arms as her eyes reflected a curtain that had just been opened.

She looked around in confusion when she realized this wasn't her home and wasn't she shot so how is she alive.
She got up slowly from her and notice she was wearing pink silky pijamas.

"What the duck! How in holy mother of toads am I wearing this stupid shnitsle, FUDGE!".

That wasn't the only thing that freaked her out , her hair was red it was RED!.

"Okay maybe I am just hallucinating yeah hallucinating this is all not real I am fine if I go to the mirror my hair won't be red yeah it won't be red" Lilly convinced herself as she slowly walked to the mirror.

Lilly looked at her reflection and her breath hitched as she fainted her head hitting the floor harshly sending Lydia's mom running up to Lydia's room.

When she found lydia/Lilly on the floor she was quick to call the ambulance while Lydia was in a dark hollow place before a bright light shine brighter and brighter until it suddenly disappeared revealing a gorgeous women with snow white hair her forehead had three cycle's of the the moon her eyes a beautiful silver with specks of electric blue her mouth was pouty and a blood red colour her face was pale as ice but she still looked ethereal.

"I am so sorry dear"

"For what " Lilly asked looking confused as to why she was apologizing.

"I separated you from your daughter but you should know that she is gonna live a better life better than when you were with her dear,and it was time to return you back to your universe because without you it will go down in flames" the women explained as she sat down on her thrown or a large half moon.

Lily choked on her spit and tears welled up in her eyes as she thought about her daughter "at least tell me she's safe" she asked in a small voice not able to trust her voice at the moment.

"Yes dear she is safe your sister took her with her Jacqueline will be raised up as her daughter so have no fear dear for she is safe".

Lily wiped her tears and faced the women she felt like a huge burden had been taken off her shoulders because she was genuinely worried about who would take care of her daughter but now because she is safe she has nothing to worry about except herself.

"So about the universe thing why am I in Lydia Martin's body? Or Holland Roden?" Lily asked the women.

"Because dear she is you and you are her".

"I don't understand what you're saying".Lily stated

"I mean dear you were split in two one piece of you went to the human universe and the other went to the supernatural universe but all in all you are one and you are my child born from a goddess"

"Yeah no peace out"

And with that Lily turned and walked away only to realize she doesn't know or have a way out.

"You know what maybe I'll stay" she mumbled going back.

"That's what I thought now will you listen".

"Sure it's not like I have other places to be right" Lily said sarcastically.

"As I was saying you are my child but I didn't birth you, you were made from my daughter's powers including mine".

"And who are these daughter's you speak off?"

"Selene,Artemis and Hecate are my daughter's and I am the creator of the moon and their mother as well as yours".

"What makes you believe that I would actually believe all this nonsense happening inside my head I could be dreaming for all I know" Lily said as she cast her a suspicious look.

The Moon queen took her staff and smacked Lily on the head with it, "see you are not dreaming".

"Owwy you could have been more gentle!" Lily pouted childishly.

"I just wanted to show you that you are not dreaming".

"Okay finnnne I am not dreaming so this is all true and no I have to be a character in teen Wolf".


"Oh well then I am gonna change something's I can do that right?" Lily asked suddenly comfortable with her given roll, at least she wasn't Allison.

"Yes you can dear but now we are running out of time and your waking up so good bye I will talk to you later dear"

And with that she disappeared and Lydia's eyes fluttered open the first thing she noticed was a blond women holding her hand while she layed her head on lillys/Lydia's lap.

Lilly quickly realized her as Natalie Martin Lydia's mother and she smiled.

She must of have really loved Lydia who was me now.

Lydia's POV-

"Wake up mom" I whispered softly and the women stirred before shooting up. I realized her eyes were red an puffy as well as her nose.

She started inspecting Lydia's face "are you fine dear, anything broken,Your eyes can you see, do you want a chocolate oh sorry chocolate while your sick I am a bad mother ain't I" she rambled until I grasped her face .

"Hey,hey calm down I am fine now see" I said wiggling my eyebrows she smiled and tears pouring out of her eyes as she smiled.

"Don't ever do that again you little devil" she said making me smile and hug her.

"Don't worry I won't,and thanks for the chocolate" I said as I snatched it from her hands she laughed before kissing my head and going to the door then smirked.

"School tomorrow" and with that she closed the door.

"But I am sick!" I exclaimed dramatically, I heard her loud laugh going down the stairs.

"I LOVE YOU!" She shouted ignoring my comment.


And thats how my life is gonna be from now one, and episode 1 starts tomorrow mmmh.

Let's stir up some trouble.


Found it in the drafts and figured out why not , try it please.

reborn as Lydia Martin Where stories live. Discover now