Chapter 1 ~ The Beginning

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"(N/N)!!" Your stopped in your tracks as you heard your besto friendo, Amy, call over to you. You looked back to see her running and waving at you, with of course, her signature smile, so you smiled and waved back, while still waiting for her to catch up to you. 

Once she did you greeted her, continuing to walk, while still smiling back at her, "Hello Amy. You came late again." You chuckled at what you said last as Amy pouted.

Amy had short, shoulder length, black hair that fades half way into a light pink, ocean blue eyes, her eyes, that were so close to the oceans color that one look at them. You were entranced, she also had pale white skin that looked extra soft to the touch.

While you had, (h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (s/c) skin. You, yourself, thought Amy was quite the beau-

"(N/n)... Are you thinking you're not pretty again..?" Amy walked in front of you, now skipping backwards, you replied to her with, "Noooo.." your voice going lower as you spoke.

Amy looked at you sympathetically, before going back to next to you, with an emotionless expression. "Hey Amy.." You called to your black and pink haired friend, only earning a 'hm' in response, so you continued, "You ok?" You asked her, earning a nod. But you saw her mouth a few words.

You were about to ask her what she said but...

A slimes Elf ~ TTIGRAAS x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now