Chapter 16

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Something cool pressed against her cheek, and liquid rolled down her skin.  Iris flinched reflexively, not wanting to open her eyes despite being able to see light through her eyelids.  Her head hurt, and her limbs felt as weak as those of a newborn baby.  Her throat was too dry to swallow.  Soft silk sheets cocooned her in comfort and warmth, and the pillow behind her head was perfectly plush.


Iris groaned and finally allowed her eyes to flutter open. She tried to smile. "Enda."

"It's good to have you back with us," Enda said softly.  She moved the cool rag to Iris's other cheek. "Your color is returning, too."

Iris reached up to rub her pounding forehead. "How long have I been...?"  She did not know what to call it, so she stopped herself from saying more.

"Several days," Enda offered. "We were worried about you for a while.  Almost lost you."

"Thank you."

Enda leaned back in her chair. "I've never seen Alaraec so worried."

"I am sorry if I have been a burden on you all."

"You are not a burden!" Enda's face twisted in concern. "What would ever make you say that?"

Iris shook her head.

The blond woman sighed and dipped the cloth in a bowl of water again. "You know it was poison that did this to you?"

"I must have eaten something spoiled," Iris said, a little too abruptly.

"You and I both know that isn't the case." Enda kept her voice smooth and even. "I'd place a bet on me walking without support before believing you had only eaten something spoiled."

Iris looked away.  She could not tell Enda the truth; her friend would never look at her the same way.  And this was done by her own family!  That was the most heinous component of the scenario.  Iris could have handled the act being completed by a stranger—even if that stranger had been hired by her parents.  But this could have only come from Cassiopeia's breakfast; Iris had consumed nothing else.

"Please explain." Enda put the wet cloth against Iris's forehead. "I want to help, but I can't unless I understand."

Iris pushed her hand away. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

Iris shook her head.

"I'm not as naïve and innocent as I may appear," Enda said. "Everyone wants to hide me from the truth—from disappointments and pain—because of my disability, especially people like Bren, Raec, and my own father.  While they encourage me to be more than anyone could expect, I think they pray I don't pursue it.  I am quiet, yes, but that means I am also observant.  I can read people—and what I see in you is fear.  You're hiding something."

Iris did not answer.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me.  I want to help you." Enda put her hand over Iris's and squeezed. "You're not alone."

"I've been alone all of my life," Iris admitted.

"Not anymore."

"I can't." Iris's voice cracked. "Please, don't make me."

"I would never make you do anything." Enda frowned.  She picked up a teacup from the nearby nightstand, blew on it, and offered it to Iris. "Although it sounds like someone has done exactly that. You need to drink something."

Iris took the cup and swallowed down the hot tea without tasting it.  Her heart wanted to tell Enda; she had been carrying this weight on her shoulders for two months.  Two months of conversations with Enda, Bren, and Alaraec.  The best months of her life, besides the obligation to her parents.  Iris did not want to do anything to jeopardize that.  But the burden was becoming too heavy for her to bear.

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