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'Calm down Jake, a pyromancer set is mostly cloth, and you are sneaking very slowly and quietly…there is no way he would hear you!' Jake reassured himself as he slowly approached the Black Knight guarding the Blue Tearstone Ring. Oscar was hiding and waiting with his weapon ready at the top of the staircase that leads down to the area where the black knight was.

Jake held his breath. He was close, very close.

He silently stretched the hand that was holding his hand axe, ready to swing it at any moment. 

He examined the black knight, his first instinct was to go for the back of its knees where there was no armor in order to allow mobility.

But black knights are spirits inside an armor, there is no actual body to be crippled, so the knight would just continue walking and running like normal even though it was damaged.

No that wouldn't work.

His eyes went toward the other option. The space between his chest armor and leg armor. His arm tensed, he aimed…AND SWUNG AS HARD AS HE COULD!

The Black knight, not expecting an attack, fell to his knee. He wanted to get up and attack back, but the next thing he felt was Jake's foot on his back! The teen kicked him, causing him to launch forward to the ground.

It felt another assault of pain as the hand axe was once again slammed into the same place. The sound of wood snapping and his enemy saying "fuck" made him realize that the weapon of his enemy was broken.

It started to get up, swearing a painful death to the man who dared to assault him, one of Lord Gwyn's knights! As he was in the middle of standing up, the black knight felt an impact and heat. It came to a simple conclusion.


Or fire sorcery, but that option was unlikely to be true. Fire sorcery was a forgotten magic

Another hit and another wave of painful heat, his armor despite providing resistance against fire did little to stop Jake’s void-touched flames. Not that it could understand why Jake's flames were stronger, it just understood that they ARE stronger.

By the time the third fireball hit him, the black knight was already charging at Jake, and when the fourth fireball hit him Jake already reached the top of the stairs and run to the left. The black knight did the same when it reached the top, thus not noticing Oscar on it's right who was crouching near the wall. 

Oscar exploded into motion.

The black knight heard the footsteps but he managed to turn back only by a bit before Oscar jumped and trusted his blade in the opening between the black knight's chest armor and helmet.

Oscar jumped off the black knight, taking his sword with him.

The monstrous armored black knight staggered.

The knight fell to the ground and started to glow white and just as it began to become almost blinding, a storm of souls exploded and went into Oscar.

It was done, they won.

"Alright, give me a sec gotta go grab the ring." The teen said and went downstairs to take what he came for.

Walking up to the area that the black knight was guarding, it didn't take long for Jake to find the ring and take it.

'How does it work if game mechanics don't work in this world?'  He questioned.

[It connects to the dominant soul of its owner and when it senses that he is in a critical condition activates by passively feeding on the owner's soul energy. The enchantment on this ring creates something akin to Aura from Remnant, but only slows down and weakens the attack meant for you, and does not stop them completely.]

A Crusade through the Multiverse 2: Electric BoogalooWhere stories live. Discover now