Chapter 3: Gold knight gets burned.

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'Next world im visiting is gonna be a relaxing one!' Jake promised himself as he ducked under the black knight's greatsword. 'Like Minecraft! Nothing stressful happens in Minecraft!' That boy just jinxed himself, didn't he?

After a moment of Jake dancing around the giant knight, the black-clad warrior was right where Jake wanted him to be. 

"THIS. IS. SPARTA!" Jake yelled at the top of his lungs and slammed against the knight with all his strength. He knew that a spartan kick would not be enough, so he decided to take one for the team and sacrifice himself by committing suicide and taking the knight with him.

Both Jake and the black knight fell from the tower, plummeting toward the ground where Oscar and Solaire were waiting.

The knight's body hitting the ground sounded like thunder.

Solaire and Oscar didn't waste time. Oscar grabbed Jake's broken body and dragged him away. Meanwhile, The warrior of sunlight stabbed his sword toward the opening between the black knight's helmet and armor, piercing its "neck". 

It struggled a little longer, trying to get up and continue to fight. 

But it was for naught. The black knight died and exploded into white light, its souls entering Solaire who sheeted his sword and walked toward the bonfire near the sunlight altar. The wooden gate leading to it opened as the Drake never showed itself which allowed them to cross the bridge without any problems.

Solaire saw Oscar placing the teenage pyromancer near the bonfire, making Jake gasp lightly as the healing properties of it took effect.

His left leg which was clearly broken snapped into place and healed. His chest moved up and down once his shattered ribs regenerated allowing him to breathe better. A loud CROMPH! was heard as the left part of his dislocated jaw once again returned to its place.

"im never jumping off big heights again, and especially not right on an iron armor." Jake shuddered at the memory.

Seconds after the knight hit the ground Jake fell on its body, the collision making him lose his breath and consciousness before he regained it a moment later when Oscar was dragging him to the bonfire.

"Nobody will ask you to do it either, we were against the idea in the first place." Oscar told the crazy Pyromancer that willingly jumped off a tower just to gain some souls.

"Alright so what now?" Solaire asked and sat down near the bonfire. 

"Now we go get our final party member, I tell you guys how I know the future and personal information of people, kill a man, and lastly, go kill some gargoyles." Jake exclaimed in a jolly tone. "Exactly in that order!" 

"What was that about killing a man?" Oscar questioned.

"He plans to kill the firekeeper at firelink shrine, he deserves it." Both knights were horrified by that.

"Why would anyone do such a thing?!" Solaire half yelled in anger. After all, while a warrior of sunlight, he was also a knight! One that made an oath to protect the innocent and those who cannot fight for themselves.

While wandering these lands he visited firelink shrine a couple of times and saw the firekeeper of that place.

A woman, a crippled one.



No means to protect herself whatsoever. For someone to harm her…the very idea made him want to rip off the head of whomever her killer would be.

"For humanity? for his goddess? Because the age of fire is fading and he thinks that firekeepers are useless now?" Jake named the different reasons he could think of. "I didn't really care enough to learn his motive for doing it. What I know is that he WILL do it and that his world is dark when we will invade it to get back the firekeeper soul."

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