T h i r t y

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"Alright, you two, you know I have to ask," Ash began, "where on God's green earth did you get all of that junk?"

It was lunchtime at Nockfell High School. As usual, the group had gathered at their table to eat together. Larry and Violet decided to save most of their snacks for now, as their only other option was the school's disgusting bologna sandwiches. 

Violet took a bite out of one of the 4 Astroid Brownies in her lunchbox. "We went to the gas station at 3 AM," she bragged.

"On a school night?!"


"That explains your lack of focus in organic chemistry," Todd interjected. "You mistook Hydrogen for Helium multiple times."

"You should come with us next time!" She turned to Sal, who hadn't said a word so far. "You too, Sal!"

He looked up from the bologna sandwich on his tray, which he'd been poking at for nearly 20 minutes. "Oh, that's alright. It's not really my thing."

"You won't know until you try it," Larry coaxed.

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks anyway."

Violet gave Larry a look as if to say, "See what I'm talking about?" And he certainly did. He made a mental note to ask him about it when they hung out later. 

Ash grabbed Violet's lunchbox and peeked inside of it. "So, you're eating 4 Astroid Brownies, a pack of Sour Worms, a peanut butter cup, and an obnoxious amount of nacho cheese chips for lunch?"

"I guess we went a little overboard..." she responded, sheepishly.

"I'll say."

"What about you, Larry?"

"Heh heh, na-cho business."

> > >

Violet had a dreadful feeling as she walked into algebra. She didn't feel ready to see Sal treat her like she wasn't there again. Part of her was still on a high from the thrilling night she had. Something told her that this would certainly ruin it.

She took her seat in the back of the room again. She noticed that the word "Project" was written in huge letters on the chalkboard. Slowly, she felt her heart sinking. The fun was over and the dreadful cycle had continued. She'd do anything to be back in that parking lot with Larry without her school work and Sal looming over her head. 

Sal arrived about a minute or two after her and returned to the desk closest to the door, not even bothering to look in her direction. Go figure. She stared at the back of his head for a moment, resting her head in her hand. All she wanted was to understand. Maybe this would hurt a little less if she knew why he was doing this to her. What could she have done to make him this upset with her?

Mrs. Packerton tapped a ruler against her desk to gain everyone's attention as soon as the bell rang. "Let's get started, shall we?"

Silence. A few students nodded just so she'd get on with the lesson.

"We'll be starting a project today. You'll all be working in pairs, which means no individual or group work. I'll assign your partners."

Violet's heart leapt. What if she was so lucky as to be paired with Sal? Or...would that be lucky? What if he ignored her the whole time they worked together? What if they got in an argument? Then again, what if they worked everything out and became friends again? What if he told her what she did wrong so she could apologize and regain his trust? Her eyes wandered back to the back of his head. This was her chance. Well, as long as Mrs. Packerton granted it to her.

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