N i n e

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By the time the end credits began rolling, Violet had curled up onto her side and fallen asleep. Gizmo was nudging her with his paw and purring loudly, to which she didn't respond. She looked peaceful. Sal felt rather drowsy himself, but couldn't risk his face's exposure. If Violet saw him without his mask, she'd be horrified. She'd never talk to him again.

He watched her for a moment. Her caramel-colored hair boldly reflected the rays of sunlight peeking through the blinds. Some of it had fallen into her face while the rest was fanned out behind her. It was a beautiful type of messy. 

Their bodies were just inches apart. Sal wanted nothing more than to be close to her. His heart raced at the very thought of it. Violet's touch was much different than everyone else's. It made him feel warm inside, like how you feel after drinking hot chocolate. Perhaps it was because nobody had the time to be affectionate toward him anymore. His dad was constantly working, his mother was gone, and his friends were too consumed in their own lives (as they should be). It was nice to spend time with someone new. 

Sal couldn't seem to keep the thought of Violet out of his head ever since their first encounter. She told him that his hair matched his eyes and that she liked it. It was like the mask wasn't even there. After nearly two weeks of friendship, she had yet to ask about it. Like everyone else, she knew it was there. The only difference was that she didn't question why. She didn't care and that was what sparked his interest in her. Violet was Sal Fisher's friend, not Sally Face's. Yes, there's a difference. 

Gizmo finally gave up on the sleeping girl and retreated to his own bed with a rather bitter attitude. His purrs died down as he curled up and drifted off, leaving Sal to be the only one awake. He gave Violet one last glance before putting his hands behind his head and gazing up at the ceiling, not wanting to stare for too long. His breathing soon fell into rhythm with hers as he let his eyes close. All he could hear were the birds chirping outside and the muffled sound of the living room TV. The peacefulness nearly lulled him to sleep.

It wasn't long before Violet began to move. Her small body uncoiled as she stretched her legs and arms as far as they would go. Even then, Sal was bigger than her. She then shifted closer to him and rested her forehead on the side of his ribcage. One of her hands clutched the material of his sweatshirt while she let out a yawn. 

Every muscle in the boy's body froze. His heart thundered in his chest and heat flooded his face. Violet's touch was so delicate and yet it had sent his mind into a whirl. Sal was so afraid to disturb her that he only allowed himself to breathe when it was absolutely necessary. He couldn't decide if this felt natural or not. On one hand, a girl that he felt perfectly comfortable in the presence of was cuddling his side. However, he spent most of his life believing that he'd never experience something like this. The mask drove people away. No girl in her right mind would date someone who looked like him. 

A girl in her right mind wasn't his type anyway.

> > >

The cinnamon smell was stronger than ever and her body was engulfed in warmth. She didn't remember falling asleep. She slowly opened her eyes, only to see nothing but black. It was Sal's shirt. 

Her heart jolted. Violet was practically cuddling with him! She knew she had to move away, but the thought of doing so partially disappointed her. She liked how it felt to be curled up beside him. If only she knew for sure that he wasn't uncomfortable...

She pushed herself into a sitting position, smoothing out her hair in the process. "Sal?"

"What? What's wrong?" He panicked. 

"You could've told me to get off of you. I wouldn't have been mad."

He shrugged. "You looked comfortable."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I-I guess I just fell asleep and—"

"It's really okay, Vi. You weren't bothering me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." He sat up. "I am absolutely sure."

Violet let out a sigh of relief. Through the blinds, she could see that the sky was covered in pink and orange splashes. Sal must've laid with her for several hours. "Did you sleep?" She asked him.

"Eh, not really."

"Was I keeping you up?"

Sal chuckled, shaking his head at her. "Not at all."

She knew her parents were expecting her for dinner at any moment, but she couldn't find the motivation to get up. She wanted to stay with Sal. Now that she'd fallen asleep beside him, she'd definitely have a hard time being alone tonight. Having someone to lay with was so much different than being alone. So much better. It was warmer, it was cozier, but most of all, everything smelled like him.

"You gotta get home, don't you?" Sal asked her, disappointment lingering in his voice.

"I wish I didn't," she mumbled.

"I can walk you back."

"No, that's okay." She stood up and folded the blanket she was using before placing it on Sal's bed. "Thanks for hanging out with me, Sal. It really means a lot."

"Anytime. See ya around, Vi."

"See ya."

Cinnamon // Sally FaceWhere stories live. Discover now