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Violet and Sal played videogames deep into the night. Their eyelids grew heavy and their bodies weak as the hours went by, causing them to slump against one another as their fingers danced along the controllers. Wrappers and pop cans littered the coffee table from the unhealthy amount of snacks they'd consumed.

"Sal?" Violet whispered as the game's loading screen appeared. 


"I'm tired."

He placed his controller on the cushion beside him. "Want me to take you home?" 

"No." She didn't want this moment to end, even if it meant staying up all night. Sal's body was so warm against hers, and he smelt slightly of cinnamon. If she left, she'd be alone. The small bit of attention she'd gotten from Sal was more than she'd received from her parents since the move. She hadn't realized how much she missed this until someone spent time with her.

"Is it because of your parents?" the blue-haired boy inquired. "You don't seem to like them too much.

Violet sighed. "They're fine, I guess."

"Why just fine?" 

"They're always too busy for me. We don't do things together like we used to."

"That's how it is with my dad and me," he explained. "He's always either working on his computer or out of town." 

"What about your mom?"

He hesitated. "Uh...she..." 

Violet turned, looking into his eyes. Looking past the redness from exhaustion, she saw a hint of sadness. She knew she hit a nerve. Why is it that she always had to say the wrong things? "You don't have to tell me."

"No, no. I-It's just that she, uh, passed away."

"Oh, Sal." She didn't know what else to say. Apologizing was hardly a genuine response to something like this. She couldn't simply tell him that everything was going to be okay, either. Nothing was ever okay after losing a parent. 

He looked into his lap, shrugging his shoulders. "It's gotten better since we moved. I've made some great friends. Plus, the kids at Nockfell aren't as shitty about my face. Other than Travis, obviously."

"I bet it's because you're nice."

"Nah," he mused, "they're just scared that Larry will kick their asses if they say anything."

She grinned, letting a small laugh escape her lips. "Give yourself some credit, Sal. You do have super cool hair." 

His hair wasn't in its signature pigtails tonight. Instead, it hung down to his shoulders in ocean blue strands. It was rather unruly, but still maintained a feathery-like appearance. Violet couldn't help but think to herself how soft it must have been. She liked it much better when it was down.

"You know, you're the first person to comment on something other than my face at first glance," Sal told her.

She frowned. "What do the others say?"

"They either ask why I'm wearing a mask or insult me for it. I'm used to it by now, though."

Suddenly, Sal's cat, Gizmo, leaped into Violet's lap and nuzzled her cheek. "Hi, Gizmo," she cooed. The feline proceeded to curl up in her lap as she stroked his white and orange fur, purring softly. She turned back to Sal. "They're just stupid."

"Heh, I guess so."

Silence fell over them once again. Sal watched with a small smile as Violet traced the orange patterns on Gizmo's fur, her eyes drooping sleepily. Part of him wished that she didn't have to go home. Having her company was different than having Ash's or Larry's. While they were great to have around to laugh with, Violet helped him unwind. It wasn't awkward to sit shoulder-to-shoulder with her or to have long conversations. Plus, her skill set was identical to his when it came to videogames. It was more fun without getting annihilated by Larry or having to remind Ash which buttons to use every round. 

Violet let out a small yawn. "Your cat is the best, Sal." 

"Vi," he breathed, "it's almost 4 AM."

"Mmm... I should probably head home, then," she replied, gently pushing Gizmo off of her lap. 

"I'll walk you there."

"No, thank you. If my parents catch me, I'd rather be alone than with a boy. We're in enough trouble as it is."

Sal nodded as the two stood up. "I understand."

After a brief moment of hesitation, Violet threw her arms around him, resting her forehead on his shoulder. His hair tickled the tip of her ear, sending chills down her neck. "Thanks for forgiving me, Sal."

"There's nothing to forgive you for," he implored, returning the hug. 

 "Shut up." She held him for another few seconds before pulling away. "See you later, Sally"

"See ya, Vi."

Just as she went to step out the front door, Sal stopped her, thrusting his phone into her hands. His contact list was already on the screen. Her heart skipped a beat. 

Sal Fisher wanted her phone number.

He blushed as soon as he noticed the surprised look on Violet's face. Why would she want to text someone like him anyway? He mentally scolded himself, now having to force himself to find something to say to disrupt the awkwardness.

"U-Uh you don't have to," he stuttered, nervously. "I-I just thought—for later maybe, uh—"

Violet cut him off with a laugh. "It's not that I don't want to, Sally. I'm just trying to remember my own phone number. I don't call or text myself very often, you know?"

Great. Now, he felt like even more of an idiot. Violet must have put up with a lot of weirdos in Kansas to be able to handle his ridiculous behavior so casually. Why was he getting so flustered over asking her for her number? He didn't even really ask, he just shoved his phone in her face. He exchanged numbers with Larry, Todd, Ash, Chug, and Maple without an issue. Why was this time so different? Violet was so kind. She should be the last person he'd fear asking a phone number from.

"Here you go," the girl chimed, handing his phone back to him. 

He let out an anxious chuckle. "U-Uh, thanks. Have a good night, Violet."

"You too, Sally. Bye!"


> > >

Sal: 4:07 AM
did you make it home safely?

Violet: 4:08 AM
Yeah. I appreciate you checking on me.

Sal: 4:08 AM
i appreciate you hanging out with me :)

Violet: 4:10 AM
We should do that more often.

Sal: 4:11 AM
agreed. tomorrow?

Violet: 4:12 AM
Sure! Goodnight, Sally.

Sal: 4:12 AM
goodnight Violet :)

Cinnamon // Sally FaceWhere stories live. Discover now