T h i r t e e n

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The morning air was bitter, nipping at the tips of Violet's ears and fingers. She hated walking to school.

"It kinda sucks that our suspension is over," Sal thought aloud, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Nah, it really sucks," Larry remarked.

Violet felt herself beginning to shiver as the wind picked up. If there was anything she learned about Nockfell, it was that the weather channel was almost never accurate. She should've known better than to dress for 70 degree weather.

The sky was gloomy today. A thick layer of grey clouds hung over them like a shadow and dead leaves swirled around in the wind. The cold air felt like thousands of tiny needles stabbing her exposed skin. While Larry and Sal were dressed in layers, Violet's only protection was a pair of leggings and a thin jacket. She walked ahead of them in hopes of getting to school faster. 

"Someone watched the weather channel this morning," Larry commented, snickering at the shivering girl. "How's 70 degrees treating you, Vi?"

"Ha ha, very funny," she grumbled.

Sal reached up and removed his earmuffs, placing them on Violet's head. "I made the same mistake when I first moved in."

"Sal, you don't have to—"

"I'm not letting you get sick. Keep them on."

The earmuffs did little to protect her from the cold, but she appreciated them nonetheless. They were still warm from Sal's body heat, relieving her ears of the stinging sensation brought on by the bitter wind. They smelled like him too.

Soon enough, Nockfell High came into view. The only people bold enough to stand outside was a group passing around a cigarette and mumbling amongst one another. Violet darted through the entrance, the boys following closely behind her. 

The trio hardly had time to be grateful for warmth's embrace, as the chaos surrounding them overtook their senses. Kids rushed this way and that, couples made out against the lockers, boys goofed around to get girls' attention, and most of all, Travis was making a scene. It wasn't unusual for him to be more on edge than usual in the mornings. Violet could've sworn she saw a large bruise on his jaw.

"Aww, you guys!" A familiar voice squealed. Violet looked up to see Ash running at toward her with a bright smile on her face. "Welcome back!"

The brunette pulled threw her arms around them, squeezing as tightly as she could. Larry flinched and Sal attempted to pat her on the back.

"We missed you, Ash," Violet told her with a strained voice.

She released them. "Lunch just wasn't the same. I'm so glad you're back."

"I'm glad to see you," Larry pouted, "but I am not glad to be back."

The first bell of the day rang, indicating that it was time for everyone to head to class. Violet bade the group a goodbye hurried to her locker to put her backpack away. As soon as she opened it, however, the mirror hanging in the small compartment revealed that she was still wearing Sal's earmuffs. 

"Crap," she whispered, looking around for her blue-haired friend. "Where are you, Sal?"


Violet: 7:45 AM
I forgot to give your earmuffs back! I'm so sorry!

Sal: 7:47 AM
it's ok, don't worry about it :)

Violet: 7:47 AM
I'll bring them to lunch, I promise.

Sal: 7:48 AM
keep them

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