F o r t y - T w o

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By the time Saturday night rolled around, Violet had done several weeks worth of homework, leaving her nearly a month ahead in her classes. She knew she'd exhausted her friends with the long hours of searching for her mother by now and decided to go MIA for the weekend. Not even Sal had heard from her. Schoolwork was her only distraction from reality.

The digital clock on her nightstand read 11:53 PM. Her father had yet to come home from where she assumed was the bar. This gave her the opportunity to rummage through her mother's belongings for any clues as to where she may have gone. In the process of this, she found an old leather journal. It was buried so deeply in the mass of books and paperwork her mother kept on her desk, the young girl was surprised she managed to find it.

Judging by the excessive wear on the journal's cover, Violet knew that it had been in use for quite some time. Even the pages were stained yellow and the ink on the first few pages had nearly faded into nothing. 

Much of the contents of the book were written in some ancient language or filled with symbols she couldn't decipher. However, one page was written in English. The ink was bold, as if it were fresh. This was written recently.

"My efforts were successful. I am not sure what this means for me, but I am confident that Violet will be safe. As for my husband, I have no words. I am not strong enough to protect them both.

Kenneth is more furious than ever. He speaks to me through the spirits. His persistant threats leave me sure of my fate, but it is a sacrifice I must make for my daughter. It was with selfishness that I brought her into this world, and it will be with selflessness that I protect her. I cannot risk her involvement with Kenneth and his puppets. 

The Child of Abomination lives within the walls of this building. My Violet has befriended him, though she hides this part of her life from me. I must leave this world trusting that he will protect her from whatever my efforts cannot. Sebastian isn't the man he was before the move. I cannot be so ignorant as to believe that he will take on this role. 

I leave this world knowing that I've done all that I could. My Violet is intelligent and incredibly resiliant. She will adapt to and overcome any barriers that come her way. I must let go.

J. Sinclaire"

With no tears left to cry, Violet placed the journal on her nightstand and sank into her desk chair. She couldn't identify the emotion that filled her body. Her mother was dead. There was no questioning this. But there was also no questioning that she wasn't afraid or in pain. At least, not anymore. 

Was this closure? Surely not. Somehow, it wasn't grief either. A mess of confusion, curiosity, and depression was tangled up in her brain. Yet, she didn't have the energy to ask herself the millions of questions she normally would have. Her mind was eerily silent.

It was about 30 minutes later when a soft knock came from the other side of her bedroom door. She didn't respond. The person opened it anyway and poked their head inside.

"Vi?" Came Sal's worried voice.

She hummed.

The blue-haired boy stepped through the doorway and closed the door behind him. "I haven't heard from you today. You left your front door unlocked."


"Don't be sorry. I was just worried about you, that's all. What's going on?"

Sal followed Violet's gaze, leading him to discover the leather journal sitting atop her bed. It was obvious by her behavior that this must have belonged to her mother. This must have been why she hadn't spoken to anyone, including him, since Friday afternoon. Even now, it seemed as though it'd be impossible to get her to open up. She had completely shut down.

Cinnamon // Sally FaceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora