The Only One Who Can't Sleep

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Caroline wept bitterly on the floor, thinking of what Evelyn will do to her when she get back and the floor is not clean.

"Jesus, what have I done?"

Lifting her both hands up, looking at the way Evelyn chained her hands and legs like a wild animal.

"I can't go on like this." she glared at the loosed chain on floor, and glanced at the elevator. "I will rather die." she whispered and began to rolled the chain around her neck, trying to strangle herself with it, but she wasn't strong enough.

She tried and tried, but it was no use. It turns out killing oneself is harder than it looks on TV. It easier when you don't have the ability to stop it. It might be easier for her to hang herself somewhere, or jump off a bridge or building, or better still, stand in front of a speedy train.
   But trying to strangled herself.... She's gonno need some help to active that.
Eventually, she knew she had to eat up the vomit. — And she did.

She couldn't use her hand because it all watery. She knew she had to lay down and eat it up with her lips and tongue.

— Just like Evelyn suggested.

Gross —

She held her breath, because just by the smell of it she wanted to throw up again.

But she had no choice. It either that, or Evelyn when she get back.

Even I don't want to know what she might do when she get back and that floor wasn't clean.

Evelyn was looking at her through the security camera.

She had a good laugh about her trying to strangle herself though.

Does she think she had not thought of that? Pathetic.

Evelyn was determined not to kill her, but she want to break her and make her lose her self worth.

It only fare, since that was exactly how Evelyn felt since the time Caroline walked into her home. The only thing she could see and think of was Caroline and Jeremy being together and making fool out of her.

Here she was, being the good wife, doing everything she could to be the good and perfect wife to Jeremy.  Trusting him with all of her heart and handling over her family wealth to him.

Evelyn knew she cannot hurt Jeremy, she loved him too much. So all the hurt and pain she wanted to inflict on him, she will perform all of it on Caroline. 

Poor Caroline. She indeed made a wrong turn, doesn't she?

She allowed her to sleep, because she wanted to get some sleep herself.

But she couldn't close her eyes. Every time she closed her eyes, she will opened them again, because her mind was not at peace. Caroline and Jeremy being together was all she could see, imagining the things they say and do.

"Does he also kiss her forehead every night before going to bed?
    Oh!!! He spent night with her? Doesn't he? All those work out of town was actually with Caro." she scoffed disgust. "She's the important client? Wooooh!!! Who the fuck are you with now, motherfuker?"

She sat up straight on the bed. Her head was spinning with questions and thought.

She glared at the picture of Jeremy and her on the wall... She got up, removed it, stared at it for several moment and tears began rolling down from her eyes.

With a loud scream, she smashed the frame to the wall, walked out the room and began to removed all the pictures frame on the passage way to the living room and smashed them.

After she was done with the pictures, she moved to the kitchen and began to break anything breakable with loud scream. She wanted to scream her pain out, but no matter how loud she screamed, she still doesn't feel better.

"It hurt... It hurt too much. Why can't I control this?" She swiped down the wall and sat on the floor, screaming in pain with her eyes filled with tears.

After crying for a while, she realized she wasn't feeling any better, "crying and screaming won't help me." she sniffed and wiped her face with both hands, she got up from the floor, took a deep breath and went back into her room, then to the wardrobe. She opened her shoes stand and enter into her secret library, then down to Caroline.

Seeing Caroline sleeping on the cold marble steered up some amount of rage inside her. She scoffed in disgust, "She sleeps," she whispers, her scoffing mixed with smile three times. "she actually sleep... Am sure Jeremy also sleep. I'm the only one who can't sleep."

She moved fast to the table where she arranged some bottles in black leather bag, grabbed the syringe and stabbed Caroline in the chest with anger.

She injected her with something that increases her heart rate.

Immediately Caroline gasp heavily awake, breathing fast and heavy.

When she opened her eyes, Evelyn was right in front of her.

"Do you have a good nap?" Caroline could not answer, her heart was racing hundred miles an hour.

"What are you doing to me?" She asked with shaky voice in the middle of the heavy breathing.

"What do you hope to active by coming into my home. You could have stay away, you did for seven years. Why will —"

"I wanted to intimidate you." She interrupted her. She breathed slowly, "I want you to feel what am feeling —"

"What you're feeling?" she scoffed "I'm confused!!?"

"Yes. I've known about you, and I have to endure that. You can call anytime you want and have him any time you wanted. But I have to end—"

"He is my husband, you bitch!!!" Evelyn raised her voice. "You are sharing my husband with me without my knowledge and you want me to know about it?
   Okay, am confused. What give you the assurance that you can intimidate me? "

"I've known about you for years. I know how good you're with your job and how loving wife you are to your husband. From what Jeremy has told me, you're fragile and easy going—"

Evelyn snorted. "Obviously, you should have adopted another last name. Because clearly, you're not 'Bright' at all.
   So tell me, how is that plan working out for you by the way?"

Caroline looked down in regret, tears rolled down from her eyes, and her breathing was coming back to normal. "I'm sorry, Evelyn." she said shaking her head in pity, "I will end things with Jeremy, I swear it. Please let me go."

Evelyn smiled lightly. "You don't have to swear darling. I know you will, because when we are done here. You won't want anything to do with any man, not alone someone else's husband, ever again." Caroline gazed at her with terror. The sound of that terrifies her from her core.

"Oh God, what more is she planning to do to me?"

Evelyn sat down and gaze at her for several minutes, then get up. Caroline eyes followed as she stood on her feet, "get some sleep. You going to need it." she said and walked out.

Caroline gaze followed her till she entered into the elevator and the gate slide down.


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