Cut Alive.

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"Whaoooooo!!!" Carl jacked up from his seat as Ben, Joe, and Owen shouted at the same time.

Turning to Ben, Carl said in awe, "Oh my God, did she just shoot Jeremy? "

Joanna moved to Evelyn's front, blocking her line of vision, she tilted her head, and asked, "Eve, you okay?"

With her eyes closed, she remained silent for a few seconds, and letting out a soft breath as she opened her eyes,

"Carl, gather together every detail on Rebecca Jones," With a soft smile, she added, "We're going to make her famous."

"Copy," Carl replied and moved his chair forward to his computer.


Caroline moved closer to Jeremy, who was groaning in pain on the floor,

"Why are you doing this? I can't believe you shoot me!!!"

"The time I was in Evelyn's dungeon," she said as she bent down in front of him, "all I could think about was how I was going to make her suffer...

"Do you know how I plan to do that?"

Groaning in pain, Jeremy did not respond.


"Carl, zoom in on them. I want to hear everything." Evelyn instructed.


Caroline stood up straight, and drew the chair nearby, then sat on it,
   "Your wonderful wife could not stop talking about how much she can't lose you," she continued.

"And believing that you were all she cared about," wiggling her head slowly, "Cutting you into pieces was all I could think about."

Jeremy looked up at her, fear written all over his face, and tried to get up, "Stay down,"  she said and shot him again in the other leg.

He screamed in pain.

"Don't make me waste my bullet. Stay down."

She rested her back watching him till he stopped screaming before she continued,
   "Do you know why of all the places I could have lived, I chose this lonely place in the middle of nowhere?"

Jeremy's body was shaking and sweating, spit coming out of his mouth, as he managed to speak "Why are you doing this?!"

"I learned something from your wife; do you want to know what that is?"

Still groaning in pain, Jeremy could not answer.

Caroline leaned forward to him and brought up the gun to his face,
    "If you don't want me to forget another bullet in one of your arms... When I ask you a question, you will answer," she said with a frown.

Shaking his head in fear, Yes, Yes.

"Good." she continued,
    "I learned from your wife that it is no fun to torture someone who will not scream.

"That's how I know I need a quiet place to carry out my plan. So you should know, you are free to scream when am cutting you into pieces, no one will hear you but me."

"What!" his voice trembling. "Who are you?"

"Oh sorry, hi. My name is Rebecca Jones.

"Let me get to the point; Yes. Am going to kill you.


"I'm going to cut you into pieces. And am going to cut you alive, there's no fun if you're dead... Then, I will wrap you up, and leave you as a parting gift for your wife to find.

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