Lets Go Home Bestie

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"So I stopped by Evelyn's house," Joanna said as she walked toward Caroline who was sitting on the sofa, smoking cigarettes.

Joanna moved closer and peeked her on the cheek. Immediately her cheek touched Caroline, she smelled her cloth unintentionally and immediately she had a flash of Evelyn's face. "Guess what?" Joanna added as sat down next to her.

Shaking her head, Caroline replied distracted, "Hun, what?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. What is it?"

"She was having a party."


"Yes. It's like she wasn't bothered about anything at all. "

"That bitch!" Caroline said calmly but her facial expression said annoyed.

"And here you are, hiding in the house while she was having the best time of her life."

"Oh, she bothers... She just doesn't want people to know; am sure of it.

Jeremy divorcing her was the last thing she wanted. She won't leave him, not after everything she had done for him, and certainly not now that she's carrying his child."

"That is what I don't understand," Joanna got up, moved to the fridge, opened and took a bottle of water, then back to her seat. "how could she be having a party and still acting like a devastating wife who wants her husband back, in front of the world?"

"She's playing at something, am certain of it," Caroline said, dusting her cigarettes stick on the small silver tray, "everything is too quiet.
    She tortured me and let me go... Yet she's not coming after me, nor is she after Jeremy either. What is she playing at?"

"How do you know she's not coming after you? Maybe she is, she just doesn't know where you're."

"I don't know, but I can sense something is not right. She wants me far away from her husband and yet she let me go, knowing I can contact him??? Something is not adding up."

Joanna knew she was getting at something, and knowing Caroline, if she dwell on the thought for too long, she might figure her out.

Evelyn might be wrong, maybe they do have some things in common after all.

But right now, Joanna needs to divert her attention to something else immediately.

"You said it yourself, maybe Jeremy coming ahead of schedule ruin her plans, who knows."  Joanna slightly looked away from her to the water and took it from the table to her mouth.


"Besides, you can't be sure she's not after Jeremy, not till you talk to him; until then, you can't know anything for certain. For now, let's just stick with the plan."

"Hm," glanced at Joanna suspiciously, she replied. "Yes, let."

"Anyway I found a bar nearby where —"

"A bar?" she interrupted.

"Yes. We can't be too careful. We have to be smarter than the bitch."

"Of course," she said sharply, Joanna glanced at her suspiciously, that Of course sounds weird but she said nothing. "But how is a bar going to help us?" Caroline added.

"We are going to the bar to have a few drinks and fresh air. To be honest we need it — you of all people need it.
    And when it's time, I will call Jeremy to meet me there. When he arrives, you will hide and when he and I leave the bar, you will follow us, — just to be sure we're not being followed."

"Hmm, that's good. But I don't see why we should leave early," she said with uncertainty in her tone.

"Girl, I need to go out and have little fun, and so do you." she placed both hands on her shoulders, "Evelyn is having the best time of her life. We should be doing the same. After this one thing is for sure, none of our lives will remain the same. I think we deserve a few drinks outside the house, don't you?"

"Okay." she reluctantly agreed, with her shoulder shrugged.

"Good. But you will need to take a shower, and that means you will remove your clothes."


"You need to get over this..."

"I can't see myself naked without seeing her and her dog, it's like it happening all over again." she closed her eyes as she wiped her right eyebrow down her cheek, letting out a deep exhausting breath, then folded her fist on her lips.
     "I need to make that bitch suffer, Joanna." Rising her lashes at Joanna, "That's the only way I can have my closure."

"And you will, I promise you," Joanna said and gave her a stick of marijuana.

After Caroline had smoked, she was able to summon some courage to go into the bathroom.

So Joanna succeeded in getting her out of the house.

They went to a bar not too far from her new apartment. Planned to stay in the bar for a little while before Joanna contact Jeremy.

They ordered a few shots of vodka. Caroline kept strangely staring at Joanna, so much so that Joanna got uncomfortable and had to ask.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

She smiled, "Nothing."

"You've been quiet since we got here, are you okay? Are you having second thoughts, do you still want to go through with this?"

"I'm just thinking how I get so lucky to have met someone like you at this time of my life."

"I believe we all—"

"Why are you so kind to me? With all my flaws, you're willing to go all the way with me..."

Joanna smiled, "Listen, girl, just because we are not born into wealth that doesn't mean we can't make our own. And people like Evelyn must get what's coming to them.
    Listen —" Joanna's phone SMS notification interrupted her, she took the phone from the table and checked the message, it was from Evelyn.

"She changed the password Jo, get the hell out of there now. She knows."

Joanna looked at Caroline and forced a smile, "Is everything okay?" Caroline asked.

"Yes, everything is fine. I will be right back, I need to make this call."

Joanna stepped out and dialed Evelyn's number.

"Jo, where are you?" Evelyn sounded worried over the phone.

"I'm outside the bar, we have not contacted Jeremy yet."

"Forget about that and head to Carl's place, the boys already got into the house, just get out and meet me here. Now!"

"But how does she kn—" footsteps sound approaches and Joanna hangs up the call before she turned around.

Immediately Joanna turned, Caroline hit her head with a big piece of wood, and she fell.

"You reek of her cologne bitch. She's the only one I know who wears that cologne."

Caroline bent down and picked up Joanna's phone, but it was already locked. "Let go home bestie.


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I appreciate y'all💕

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