Lets Go Home

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Jeremy being back was not what Evelyn needed right now, not because she had not done with Caroline, — because she was. But she had not figured out what to do with her husband.

She knew if she confront him, he might lie and deny everything, — but what terrified her more was, what if he did not? What will she do?

Evelyn was standing close to the window glancing at the trees in her backyard, but her mind was not with the trees, she just needed to focus on something.

She wanted to act like nothing was wrong, but the thought of the man she loved had been betraying her for years was hurting her like salt to an open wound, and she couldn't allow the pain shows on her face. Because she knows her husband well, he will keep asking questions if he notices something was wrong.

She doesn't want Jeremy to suspect anything till she comes up with a plan for what to do with her marriage. So she had no choice but to put on the act — she was always good at acting anyway.

Though she was trying to cook, her mind was not on the carrot.

She smiled and said to herself as she put pressure on the knife to cut the carrot. Oh, my sweet Caroline, I guess this is the end of the game for you. "For now."

"For now what?" Jeremy said as he walked into the kitchen.

"For now the carrot will do." Jeremy glares at her confused because she had not cut any carrots except for the one she was holding. She followed his gaze and smiled, "I don't know what to make for you, you've been away eating all manna of unhealthy food." She dropped the knife and moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around him. "I just want to make you something healthy and delicious."

Jeremy placed a soft kiss on her forehead, "Babe, I don't want you to stress yourself."

"No, it's no street at all. Just go and relax, I will be out in a minute."

" No, am staying with you, I need to see your face. I've missed it so much."

Evelyn smiled and stretched herself to stand on her toes and placed a light kiss on his lips, then moved back to the carrots.

"Wine?" Jeremy asked as he took the wine bottle from the top of the fridge.

" No babe, am good."

"Alright." he moved to the cabinet and brought out a glass of wine. " So what happened when I was away?"

Oh, a lot happened.

" Nothing babe. Just some case."

" Case? I thought you close the Williton's case?"

" Yes baby, another interesting case just showed up right before I closed the Williton's case."

"Really?" He added, as poured out some wine into the cup.

"Yes. Funny enough, this case was delivered to my doorstep."

"I don't understand."

"I was on my way to court when the case tracked me down herself."


"Yes, babe."

"What is it about?"

Evelyn shook her head, and let out a soft breath. " I don't know how am to defend her, it's a tough one babe." Jeremy put down his wine glass, his facial expression says go on.

"This young lady was having affair with a married man, "
    Jeremy rubbed his ear and slightly look away. Evelyn smiled with disgust and an irritating gaze at him. When Jeremy looked back, her facial expression was back to normal.

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