Chapter 3 - Friends with high horses

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A week later, I was still seething as the dance class ended. I avoided the bastard even though I could feel his eyes burning on my skin. Todd, my dance partner, seems to be picking up the steps much faster than me, and I think I'm driving him slightly insane with my clumsiness.

Meanwhile, the blonde dancing with Darcy keeps batting her eyes at him. It didn't escape my notice that she was presenting a lot more cleavage this time.

I hurried off before he had a chance to talk to me. Not that I imagine he would, not after what he said last time. But I wasn't prepared to take the risk.

After a shift at the bar, I made my way back to my apartment, where Jenna was already waiting for me. She was still in pursuit of her man, and as the wonderful wing woman I am, I agreed to go to a party at his house with her.

"Give me two minutes to shower. Someone spilled a beer on me at work," I say as I hurry past Lydia and Jenna.

"I have a dress you can borrow," Lydia shouts after me as I take off my clothes and hurry into the bathroom.

"Thanks," I say.

My wardrobe might be perfect for a struggling student, with a few items that could work in a boardroom. Lydia, however, is all about looking hot. We may not be identical twins, far from it. But we're the same size and she knows what looks good on me. And tonight I want to feel good.

I shower in record time and straighten my hair. The dress she's put out for me is red with straps. The top is tight without showing too much and the skirt flares out.

It's shorter than anything I would buy, but when I put it on I smile.

I walk into the living room where Lydia is handing Jenna a drink.

"Well?" I spin around.

"Perfect," Lydia says, "but wrong shoes."

I look down at my heels. "What's wrong with these?"

She makes a face. "They make it too formal. You need the ankle boots."

"Oh." I hurry back to my room and change.

Lydia gives me a thumbs up when I get back to the living room.

"Do you want to come with us?" Jenna asks and takes a sip of her drink. She must be nervous, because she is very cautious with alcohol, and if Lydia made her a drink, it'll be strong. She's dressed in a simple skirt and oversized jumper.

"I have plans," she says.

Lydia does not hang out with us. At least not at parties. We have very different ideas about what is fun. She needs it to be loud and thumping. I prefer hearing myself think.

"You have money?" I ask as I get a cardigan.

"Yup." She's still in her jeans and a black t-shirt, which means she won't be headed out for another two hours or so.

"If you change your mind, you can join us," Jenna says and takes another sip of the drink.

I take it from her hand and drink. It's strong, with vodka and kahlua. "Is this a white russian?"

Lydia shrugs. "Needs must."

"Did you use my coffee creamer?"

"Yeah, we need to go to the store."

I sigh and down a large part of the drink.

"Let's go."

"Have fun," Lydia says as she puts her feet up on the sofa and scrolls through her phone.

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