Chapter 13

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Elaine POV

"Is she stable?" I asked one the employees as they left Callie's room. They nodded their heads and walked away without saying a word.

I need to know what upset her. Hopefully, whatever it was, it didn't affect her recovery. Poor girl, she's been in here longer than anyone.

I walk to the nurses who is head of the phone lines. "What number called Callie?" I asked. She look at the incoming calls. "Is that number on her files?"

"Yeah, it's the home number." She said.

"Alright, thank you, carry on." I tap the counter and headed to Callie's room. I heard Callie talking to someone. I leaned in so I couldn't hear clearly.

"I didn't harm myself."

"Callie, honey, part of recovery is realizing what you did to yourself and being okay with it."

"No, just shut up and listen, Demi." Callie said with sass. "I didn't harm myself..." She said calmly.

I was mad, furious, because we had a girl in this treatment not even sick. She's been lying this whole time and faking.

I walk to the desk and took a seat going threw all Callie's files and thinking about what to do.

Callie's POV

"I got a call from my dad. He said that that I was smart to cover for them. Then he called me a whore he said that I was messing with people all been messing here. He was going to come for me soon. That I was going to regret everything and that this will be 10 times worse than it was last time." I said, sobbing at this point.

I wasn't ready to go home. I wasn't ready to face my past again and it affect my future. My dad is my dad. My mom is a mom. They are monsters that scare me that I hide underneath the covers from them.

I look at Demi's face. I didn't think she knew what say. "I'm so sorry, Callie. I know what it feels like to be abused by my father. Every day, for years, he would beat me and everything. He was a total drunk. I finally got the balls to say something to him and my mom did to. It got better once I got away from him. It wasn't better just for me for my mom and my sister. The way my dad treated me is the reason why my life is duel and negative. What he did to me affects me every day."

We was both crying at this point. Damn, I never knew Demi could relate, but i'm glad she got away from it. She deserves a happy life. "I'm grateful for meeting you, you mean the world to me you're the only person I trust."

I hugged her and she hugged me then the door open, "Lights out, girls. Time for bed." A nurse said as she check us off her clipboard.

I pulled away and we both not said a word to each other the whole night. We was tired and worn out from today. I was for sure.

I got in bed and once my head connected to the cool pillow I was asleep.

Demi's POV

I woke up to some noise. I turned on the lamp near my bed. I saw Callie tossing and turning. She was even sweating.

I got out of bed and walked over to Callie's bed. I should saying her name repeatedly. She woke up scared, out of breath, and drench in her own sweat.

"It's okay. You're okay, I promise." I shushed her trying to calm her down. With her head in my chest. I played with her hair and soon she was back to sleep and even sooner I was asleep too.

I woke up once again to people talking as they walked by our room. I got up and told Callie to get ready for breakfast. She rolled over and slowly got out of the bed.

I went ahead to breakfast. I sat with some girls as we waiting for the cooks to get done making our morning meal.

"Is Callie okay? I heard about her freak out. I've never seen her do nothing like this. It kinda scared everyone."

I look down as I twitted with my thumbs, "She's fine. She got a call saying she has gonna stay here longer." I lied. I don't know if she's staying her longer, but I didn't lie about her getting a call, but it was kinda obvious the way she broke that phone.

Callie ran up to me grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me aside, "Did you tell anyone?!"

I gave her a confused expression, "What? No? I've only sat down for five minutes."

"Five minutes is enough to tell someone!" She quietly shouted.

"Do you really think I would freaking do that?!"

A girl walk by, "Damn, it's Callie the biggest mistake in the building. She's a fake. Maybe she actually has a personality disorder or maybe she is a pathological liar." She was mad.

"I'm not fake! I'm not anything! I'm nothing!" She yelled louder and louder.

The girl clap her hands sarcastically and slowly, "Well done. I must say that was good acting. I think you should talk to Demi into getting you into a movie. You very good at faking shit."

All of a sudden Callie lunge at the girl. One strong punch after another. One cheek at a time. Staff came running in pulling the girls about and injecting them with fluids, but before the but fluids in Callie she look me in the eyes with anger saying, "How could you?"




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