Chapter 18

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Demi's POV

"I'm sorry sir but there is no way I can let you in, visiting times are over," the lady behind the desk said to the man standing in front of her.

"But I don't understand, Callie said I could visit at this time," he replied.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I really can't do anything for you its way past the visiting hours."

The man then bowed his head and turned for the door. Just then Callie walked around the corner "Dad?," she said.

The whole time I had been watching what was going on, but I was now getting the sense that I was being rude, but at the same time I wanted to stay to see what happens next.

I decided to get up and make my way to my bed, it was getting late and I knew that Callie's dad wouldn't be able to actually visit her now. 

As I walked to my room I was thinking and playing back in my mind as to what had happened that day; my blood begun to boil. Callie had told me she had no-one but as far as I could see she had a dad, a dad that had bothered to come and see her, even if he was late.

Callie's POV

I walked around the corner and there stood my dad at the front desk. I didn't think he would actually turn up, "Dad?" I said

He turned around and then his eyes locked on mine, he seemed sincere and he looked better than before I was put in here even if he hadn't seemed to have showered in ages.

"Darling," he replied, holding his arms out for a hug

I decided that yes he had turned up, but no, I sure enough wasn't ready to give him a hug. I held my arms close to my side and in the end he got the picture.

He walked over towards me and asked how I was, I told him I was fine and that I was getting better. He had no right to know the actual truth; he hadn't been there for me for most of my treatment, now he turns up and expects everything to be alright just because he seems better.

When he was closer to me I breathed through my nose, desperately trying to smell his breath. I knew he might have been drinking before he came here so I was just making sure. I couldn't smell anything, he seemed to be..sober.

For as long as I can remember I have never seen my dad sober, he has always been drinking and he used to always come home drunk.

I saw Demi get up from where she was sitting and walk in the direction of our bedroom. I was desperate to follow her, but I knew I couldn't walk away from dad without the risk of him following me. I turned back to face my dad, and now the lady from the reception desk who was telling my dad that he needed to leave.

"Can't I have 10 minutes with my daughter,?" he asked calmly.

"You can always come and visit during the hours stated here," she said, handing him a leaflet and pointing to where the visiting hours were written.

Dad took the leaflet and then said goodbye to me before walking towards the door, he promised to return tomorrow during the visiting times. Let's see if he does.

I walked up towards my room, when I walked in Demi was sitting on her bed listening to her music, with a notebook in front of her. She had a few notes written down, maybe for a song?

I sat down on my bed and as I did she pulled out her head phones and said "Was that your dad?"

"Yeah," I sighed

"I'm sorry," she said, I guess remembering what I had told her about him

"It's okay. I think he's changed," I replied.

She looked at me with a disapproving look. "Just be careful," she replied.

I smiled "I'll be okay."

She smiled back.

We then both got ready for bed, I fell asleep dreaming of a new life with me dad a life where I could possibly have a normal life; both parents under one roof and not arguing. Then I started to dream how this was never going to be possible. Yes, I may get to live with my dad; but how long will it be before he goes back to drink?

I stopped thinking about this because I truly believed that he had changed and that everything was going to be better.

I woke up the next morning feeling positive and happy that my dad was going to visit me. I hoped that he was going to turn up sober and he was going to be very happy to see me, after all, it had been a good 6 months since I last saw him.

I got dressed and made my way downstairs, visiting hours started in 10 minutes. I went and sat in the communal area and watched TV.

A nurse called me name and I then got up and went to see what she wanted, she asked to speak with me in a room privately.

We went into one of the side rooms and sat down face-to-face. "Callie, I called you in here because I've read your notes and I'm a bit worried about you seeing your dad today," she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because of his history with alcohol," she replied

"But he's changed," I said, starting to get a bit angry, how could she judge him when she's never met him.

"How do you know that Callie? The receptionist said that he came to see you yesterday, at 10 at night!"

She had a point, how could I know for sure if he had changed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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