Chapter 11

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Demi’s Pov

When I woke up the next day, Callie wasn’t there but instead had left me another note on my desk.

‘Just went for a walk, be back soon’ it read

I wish she would have woken me when she was going for a walk, I love walks, any excuse to exercise really. Just then Callie came back wearing jogging bottoms and an old top, she walked over to her side of the room and to her closet and grabbed a nice top and some jeans, she then went into the bathroom to change. I got out my clothes and then waited for her to get out of the bathroom so that I could use it.

When Callie came out about 20 minutes later, she had done her hair and make-up as well, she looked beautiful and I can’t understand why she puts herself down so much. She had straight dark brown hair down to just below her shoulders and she wore quite heavy eye make-up, but, it looks good on her.

I got up and walked past Callie and into the bathroom, I locked the door behind me and then ran a sink full of warm water, splashed it across my face in an effort to wake myself up without having to use freezing cold water. It worked, so I dried my face off and started putting on my clothes; I slipped into my skinny jeans, which, now didn’t fit me as well; and my long pink top. I looked in the mirror and then grabbed my make-up bag from the side, I put on my foundation and then some powder, followed by a little bit on eyeliner and mascara.

I checked myself in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom where I found Callie drawing at her desk, she looked up as I walked out of the bathroom.

 “What you drawing?” I asked

“Nothing” Callie replied, quickly closing her sketchpad

“Okay okay” I said “No need to be all secretive”

“It’s nothing Demi” she replied

“Okay” I replied

I walked over to my bed ad sat down with my iPod “There is no connection in here” I said outloud

“Duh, that’s the point” Callie replied

“Why?” I asked

“We’re supposed to be focusing on our treatment” she said

“Oh, well it sucks not being able to talk to people” I replied

“Like who?” she asked

“My family” I replied “I mean, I’m used to talking to my mom like, everyday”

“I know right, but it’s something you’re just going to have to get used to” she sighed

Callie’s Pov

I can’t imagine what it must be like to talk to your family daily, well I mean your parents at least, mine were a little, let’s say, different. I guess we weren’t the typical family after all.

“I know right, but it’s something you’re just going to have to get used to” I sighed pretending to know what it’s like.

“I guess” she replied

Demi plugged her iPod in and began listening to something, I opened up my sketchpad and continued drawing.

I looked at my watch, it was time for group therapy; I walked past Demi and gave her a gentle nudge

“Time for group therapy” I sighed

“Oh” she sighed back “I was relaxing”

“What were you listening to?” I asked

“Myself actually, how weird is that” she giggled

“I don’t think it’s weird” I said as we walked out of the room

“Okay, thanks” she laughed

“What’s so funny?” I asked

“Nothing just that I actually find listening to myself kind of strange, but whatever” she replied

We got to group therapy and took two seats next to each other, today was our weekly get to know each other session for all the new people that had come in, Demi had already been here more than a week, so it didn’t include her. We went around the group, and said our name followed by our age, and any things we like to do.

When it came to me, I said “My name is Callie, I’m 17, well nearly 18 and I like to draw”

Next it was Demi, she said “Hi, my name is Demi, I’m 18 and I love music”

Then we went around the rest of the room and every introduced themselves, Elaine, the mindfulness/ group therapy teach said “Now I want everyone to close their eyes, I want everyone to think of recovery, think about how good it might feel, think about all the things you could do when you’re in recovery”

She paused and then continued “Now open your eyes and look at the person next to you, it doesn’t matter which side, and say to them, you can do it, you are worth recovery!”

I turned to Demi and said “Do you want to go first?”

“Okay” she replied “She looked at me dead in the eyes, placed one had on my knee and said “You can do this, you are worth recovery”

It was now my turn, I looked at her and said “You can do this, you are defiantly worth recovery”

We both smiled at each other and then Elaine spoke and said “Now, how did that feel?”

She paused then said “Demi? How did it feel?”

Demi’s smile dropped and she said “Well, umm, it felt, umm, good”

“That’s good” Elaine replied

Elaine then asked a few other people how it felt and some people said it felt inspiring and others said it felt great to be told that by another person.

The group was over and we all got up and left, Demi and I went up to our room and sat on our beds.

“So, when’s your next therapy session?” I asked

“Not until 2pm, yours?”

“Mine is at 2pm as well” I smiled

“That’s good” she replied

We sat in our room and did our own thing until 1:50pm, well that’s when I closed my sketchbook and took it with me out of the room; I guess that made Demi look at the time and realise that she needed to go to her session as well. She got up and headed out of the room behind me.



We are very sorry that this story hasn’t been updated in a while, but please keep Haley and her family in your prayers as her and her family go through a difficult time right now. 

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