Chapter 8

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Demi’s Pov

The nurses rushed in and I was pushed to the side, all I could do is watch, watch and wait as they tried to calm Callie down. Now she was rocking back and forth and she was muttering something that I couldn’t quite hear. She is my friend and I hate seeing her like this.

One of the nurses took me outside and told me to go back to my room, I hadn’t finished eating but I don’t think I could eat anything knowing Callie is like this.

I walked back up to our room and laid on my bed, I looked over to Callie’s desk, where she usually sits to do her drawings, I started to wonder why she has been here so long and then after seeing what I did today, I can start to understand why; she is sick and needs help to get better, it’s not easy, and I know that, but maybe Callie just needs a friend, someone to be there for her.

Callie’s Pov

I came round after having another “episode”, I felt really tired so they sent me to bed to get a bit of rest and told me to come and tell them when I was awake.

I walked up to my room and found Demi asleep on her bed; I laid down on my bed and lay there thinking for a while. I thought about what happened a few days ago, when Demi said that she thinks of me as a friend, and all I remember thinking of at the time was how that it would be a first for anyone to think that.

 I’ve never really had friends; I guess no-one ever wanted to be friends with a girl who had issues. Then I ended up in here…after…well, after that day and I haven’t been out in over a year.

In some ways staying in here has been good, I really don’t have a good relationship with my parents and it was kind of a relief being admitted here. A part of me misses mom them a little, but not a lot, not after…after, well after stuff.

Demi’s Pov

I woke up to find Callie asleep on her bed, I’m glad to see that she is out of that bad time that she was having, I’ve had panic attacks before, not able to come out of them for sometimes over 10 minutes. I wonder how long Callie’s lasted. I fell asleep, so, I don’t know.

I got up and walked into the bathroom,  fixed my make-up and then walked out of our room after looking at my schedule, I had class now, it was just about to start; I walked to class and sat down where Callie and I usually sit.

I took out my work and started to work on some maths, then a bit of science; work that mom has sent me to do. Once class was over, I put my work back into my tray and then headed back to my room.

When I got there Callie was sitting at her desk, drawing; I guess no-one had told her that she needed to go to class.

“Hey” I said as I walked in

“Hey” she replied

“How are you feeling now?” I asked

“A little better” she said “I was just tired, sleeping usually helps”

“That’s good then”

There was a silence then I said “I worried about you”

“There’s no need to worry about me” she replied

“Yes there is, you are my friend” I said

Callie’s Pov

I was sitting at my desk drawing when Demi walked in after class, she said that she had worried about me and then she said that she still thought of me as her friend. I started getting little thoughts in my head again ‘why would she want to be your friend’ they were saying, and ‘why would she even like you, you are ugly and worthless’

“I know” I muttered under my breath

I carried on drawing and Demi laid back down on her bed, I took our my IPod and started to play some of Demi’s music, I guess this is one thing that I really don’t want her to find out.

As the music played I became calmer and as I became calmer the thoughts started to go away; once I felt like I didn’t need the music anymore, I  put it away in my top drawer and then walked out of the room to go and see one of the nurses to tell them that I had woken up.

Demi’s Pov

I was lightly sleeping but I kept opening my eyes to see if Callie was okay, several time I caught her listening to some music, I’m not sure what but it seemed to be helping her. Once she walked out of the room I got up and decided to take a look at what she was listening to, I turned on her IPod and the last played track was on, it said “Trainwreck – Demi Lovato”

I was shocked to say the least, Callie had been fighting to not be my friend, and she said that I deserved more friends; that I deserved better than her. I guess all she needed was someone to care. Was I the person that she wanted to be friends with all along?

Hope you liked the update and sorry for it being a long time :/

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Deeanna and Haley :)

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