Chapter 14

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Demi's Pov

"How could you! Callie said with anger

I've never seen her like this, she must truly believe that I told people that she's not sick.

As the fluids were injected into her, she relaxed. Then Callie and the other girl was taken up to their rooms. I was told to go and eat my breakfast, it is part of my treatment after-all.

I sat down and ate my breakfast but all I could think about was Callie and the fact that she now hated me. Even after how we had connected so well last night, I know now that she thinks I told people that she shouldn't be here.

When I had finished my breakfast I went up to my room. Callie was laying down on her bed, she opened her eyes as I came in the room, saw me, then turned away in her bed so that he back was to me.

I sighed, sitting down at my desk and pulling out a piece of paper.

I started writing Callie a letter, she wasn't going to listen to me but I hoped that she would give me a chance and read my letter.

I started writing:

"Dear Callie

I don't know quite what to say other than I'm sorry but I didn't tell those girls anything about your life or anything about why you are here. We connected last night and you trusted me. I know how hard it is to trust people so I wouldn't dream of doing something that would mean that you wouldn't trust me anymore.

The only think I said to those girls was that you might have to stay here longer and that you were fine after what happened yesterday. That's the truth. Believe me or don't believe me, it's your choice. But, I thought you trusted me.

I hope this helps


When i had finished I folded the bit of paper up and, as Callie was now asleep with her iPod in her ears I placed the letter on her pillow where she wasn't laying. I then walked out of the room to see if I could find out how that girl found out about Callie.

Callie's Pov

I woke up with my iPod still blaring away in my ears and a piece of paper on my pillow, I knew it was from Demi and I was in two minds as to whether to unfold it. But, after having a sleep, my mind was clearer and I thought, why not?

I unfolded the piece of paper and read the short note. Do I believe her? Do I not?

I thought back to last night when she shared with me about her dad and how we were similar. About how I trusted her. About how I loved her even before I met her.

Then I realised that she wouldn't do such a thing, but then it didn't make sense how that girl found out. Was she outside, did she hear us talking? Or did she hear it from someone or somewhere else?

I got up out of bed and stretched. I needed to go and find Demi and apologise.

Demi's Pov

I left the room, leaving the note on Callie's pillow and I walked into one of the common rooms. Trying to find the girl that had called Callie a pathological liar. She was sitting watching TV. I didn't know whether to go up and ask where she thought Callie was in here for or whether I should just leave it.

In the end I thought, Callie is my friend and friends stick up for each other; even though I am scared about doing so, this is something I need to do.

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