Chapter 16

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Today's dinner was chicken with mashed potato and peas. As soon as I saw it I suddenly didn't feel strong, one of the foods that I feared was potato. Callie saw me frowning at the meal and said "Hey Demi, it's ok. You'll be fine, I'm here"

I smiled back at her and picked up my fork, just her saying that gave me some courage and I managed nearly all my plate; and the nurse said that it was enough and that I could go.

Callie and I were just about to leave when Kate came in, slamming the door back against the wall. "Kate!" the staff member said who was with her.

Kate turned to the staff member and shouted "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE?"

The member of staff said nothing and her and Kate walked past me and Callie. Kate gave me a horrid look but just walked past, not saying anything.

Callie and I walked out of the dining hall and back up to our room, where, we got ready for bed and then sat and talked for a while before being told that it was bed time.

The next day we got up, had breakfast and then I had to go and see my doctor. We spent about an hour discussing my medication and reviewing my moods. He also told me how proud he was of my weight gain, I bowed my head at this, I wasn't liking this weight gain.

I guess he saw this because he reinforced to me that this was a good thing and that I was now being to be healthy.

At the end he suggested some therapy to deal with my feelings towards my weight gain and eating. After a bit of thought, I agreed. I thought about how I was feeling and I thought about getting out of here and then going back to old ways. But then I thought that it would then be a waste coming into treatment in the first place. I needed to make the most of my time here.

When I found out that I was bipolar it answered a lot of questions and I finally thought that I wasn't crazy and being here has helped me deal with my emotions and the medication has helped bring my mood swings to be more like normal.

I walked out of the room feeling a bit more positive, I was going to make the most of my time in here and maybe get out sooner if I really tried. The doctor said that I still need to gain some more weight and that my medication needs to be reviewed soon because I'm still not sleeping properly; I keep waking up and laying there with my eyes open, not being able to get back to sleep.

I walked back to mine and Callie's room where I knew I would find Callie probably listening to music. I walked into the room and sure enough she had her earbuds in her ears, but she removed this when she saw me.

"How was the doctors?" she asked

"Fine" I replied "He said that I'm doing well but he said that I need to gain some more weight" I said frowning

"It's ok Demi, you can do this!" Callie said holding her arm up showing her muscles

This made me laugh "I hope so" I replied

"You CAN do this!" she repeated

We both stood up and hugged, luckily no-one was outside and no-one saw us as we both know that hugging isn't allowed here and even though a lot of people hug each other, they do get told not to by the staff.

I then sat down at my desk and Callie sat down at hers, I peered over and saw that she was drawing something but I couldn't make out what.

I turned back and continued trying to write some words about how I felt.

20 minutes or so later Callie turned around and said "Demi"

"Yeah" I said, without turning around as I was mid-sentence

"I've got something to show you" Callie said, sounding very excited and I could tell that she was smiling

I turned around and she was facing me smiling big at me "Ok, show me?" I replied

Callie turned around picked up her sketchpad and showed me; she had drawn and picture of me and her next to each other, as if we had taken a picture and she had copied it. But, this wasn't the case because we had never taken a picture together. She had just drawn me and her together by eye.

"That's amazing Callie!" I said, smiling big

"Thank you" she blushed

She then placed her sketchpad down on the table, closing it as she did. Her and I then went and sat on our separate beds we talked for a bit longer about how we both wished that we were out of here and even though Callie said that she wanted to be out, she also didn't want to. I asked her why and she said that because she would have nowhere to live. Nowhere to go. I felt sorry for her, I had a loving family that were wishing me to come home and she seemed to have no-one.

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