Chapter 7

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The Next Day...

I woke up to the sound of running water. I guess Demi is a early person. I knew once I woke up that I couldn't go back to sleep. I grab my iPod and my sketch pad and went to the garden area. It was cold weather and the little wind didn't help, but I felt comfortable.

I saw one of the nurse out back, sitting on the bench. I guess it was her break time. She was a perfect model, so, I began to sketch her. I heard someone behind me so I laid my head back. It was nurse, I smiled at her, "Morning." She greeted.

"Morning." I said as I look back down at my sketchpad. "You gonna participate today?" She asked. I started thinking. If I participate i'll get to go my mom and my dad is in jail. I don't wanna go back home. I feel safer here. "Maybe." I lied.

She headed back inside then my perfect model was gone. I sighed and headed back in. I walk in and Demi was applying make up. "Morning." She smiled. I smirked, in a bitchy mood and rolled my eyes. I grab my clothes and headed to take a shower. I strip down and step into the shower. I started thinking...about memories that were scared in me.

"You are no daughter of mine!" My dad slap me. My mom was drunk and was passed out on the couch. He pick me up by my hair, "I can't believe me and your mother created you." He threw me and I hit my head on the cemented wall.

"Worthless piece of shit." He said in a softer tone before he walk out of the house.

"Callie, you almost done? I need in there." Demi said, knocking me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, sorry." I shampooed my hair then risen it out then washed my body. I step out and dried off. I put on my clean clothes then I remembered where I hid a blade that I got threw check with.

I had it hiding under the sink. I bent down and grab it out from under the sink. I slid it down my key pocket on my pants and walk out while wrapping my hair up in a towel. Demi walk in and lock the door behind her. I sat on my bed and then I started thinking of the first time I cut myself.

"Clean the mess up you made in here!" My dad slammed my head into the mirror making it shatter. I forgot to close the shower curtain, "I want it to be spotless!" My dad spat. He walk out, I pulled away from the shattered mirror and shut the door. I look in one of the broken pieces that I could show my reflection perfectly. I had a cut down on left cheek, just bleeding, barley. I fix the curtain then look down at one of the shattered mirror pieces. I grabbed it and slid it across my wrist, blaming myself for every little thing. I got a wet rage and wrap it around my arm then hurried to pick up all the pieces and threw them away.

I stared at my scars, my bruises I still have from my dad and cuts, but there are the cuts I put on myself. I was crying and I didn't even know it. I pulled the blade out pocket then sat it on my skin...I was hesitating. Why was I hesitating?

I heard the door unlocking and I quickly put it in my pocket. "You ready?" Demi asked. I took my hair out of the towel and scrunch my hair then sprayed hairspray, "Now, I am." I look down.

"You look pretty." Demi complimented. I followed behind her, but instead of going to breakfast I went to the empty room that we use to have "Talk Time" as they call it.  I sat down in the chair and was thinking.

What am I?
Why am I a bad daughter?
What did I do to my parents?
Why am I ugly, fat, useless?
Why is God keeping me alive? I deserve to die. Dad was right, I am a worthless piece of shit. I didn't see why I didn't kill myself that night like I planned. Stupid neighbors had to call the cops.

My eyes was covered by my tears and I couldn't see. My heart was racing, I couldn't breath. I feel in the floor and was having trouble breathing. "Help." I cried out with the little breath I had. I haven't had a panic attack in forever so I forgot how to calm it down.

Demi's POV

I was sitting down and actually felt good enough to eat. I started breaking my biscuit up the poured the gravy over it. "Hey, Demi?" I look up to see a nurse i've never seen.


"Have you seen, Callie?" She asked, "She was behind me. Let me go find her." I stood up. I went and look outside. She wasn't there. I went and look in the dorm. She wasn't there. I went and look in the art room. She wasn't there. Where in the hell is she? I walk in the talk time room and Callie was laying there not breathing well. She had tears in her eyes.

I ran to her side. "Callie. Callie." I said. "Help!" I yelled out. I don't know if she was having a panic attack or asma, but I just called for help. I pulled her into my lap and was rubbing her back. She finally clam down, but I still didn't know what happened. The nurses rushed in...


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XO- Deanna and Haley

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