Chapter 4

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I ran back inside and started looking around to see if I could see Callie; she was nowhere to be seen. I don't understand. Where could she have gone? I walked up the stairs and towards out room, I opened the door and I found Callie lying face down on her pillow. I heard soft cry's.

"What's the matter?" I asked

"Nothing!" she snapped

I sat down beside her bed and said "I know something is wrong Callie, and, I know I barely know you, but, I care about you, and, I hate seeing you like this"

She lifted her head, her make-up had left streaks down her face and on her pillow "Really?" she asked

"Yeah" I replied "I know what it's like to feel like no-one cares, or, that no-one understands you; and, I may not understand what you are going through, but I know that it must be hard. I care for you and all I want to do is see you get better."

She sat up a little more and took a deep breath "I'm sorry" she said

"Callie. You have nothing to be sorry for." I replied "I'm sorry that I pushed you so much into showing me your drawings, I was only interested; you are really good, I only wish I could draw like that"

She gave me a small smile "Here's your book" I said, handing her the book.

"Thanks" she replied, giving me another small smile.

I looked down at my watch, we started our first session in 5 minutes, I pulled out my schedule and looked to see what I had. It said mindfulness. "What's mindfulness?" I asked Callie

"It's where you sit in a group and talk about stuff. Kind of like a get to know you session. We sometime do meditation or drawing." She replied

"Oh" I sighed "" I hesitated

Callie laughed "Yeah, it's not much cop, but I quite like it when we do drawing, it gives me a chance to carry on with my drawings"

I paused for a while as I watched Callie flip through her book slowly, once again I saw all the happy drawings and then as she got to the end, I saw that one drawing that was different. The mood was completely different, whereas the other drawing all had colour and life to them, this one, was drawn in black and white and looked sad. I only got a quite glimpse of this one and Callie quickly closed the book and got up "We better get going" she said

"Yeah" I replied

Callie walked out of the room holding her notebook and I followed, I still didn't know where I was meant to be for this mindfulness session but I followed Callie hoping that she was going to the same thing.

Callie and I walked into a room and sat in a circle of chairs that had already been placed out for us, there was a woman directly opposite me, also sitting in the circle "Hello Callie" she said

"Hi" Callie responded

"And, I don't think we've met yet?" she directed at me

"No, we haven't" I replied "My name is Demi"

"Hello Demi and welcome to mindfulness. In a minute when everyone is here we will sit down and I'll get everyone to introduce themselves"

"Thanks" I replied

We all started chatting amongst ourselves except me and Callie, we didn't speak; she sat their playing with the binding of her sketchpad.

10 minutes later everyone had arrived and was sitting in the circle; "Hello everyone and welcome to mindfulness" the women started "We have a new member joining us today, so, let's go around and introduce ourselves" she continued "I'll start. Hi, my name is Elaine and I run mindfulness. I like music and I play the keyboard" she paused "Okay, would you like to start" she said to a girl next to her "Tell everyone your name, age and 1 thing about yourself"

The girl nodded her head and said "Hi, my name is Lucy, I'm 19 and I have 2 pet rabbits"

Everyone went around the circle saying the same thing, but, about themselves; it got to Callie first, she said "Hi, my name is Callie, I'm 17, my favourite thing to do in my spare time is drawing."

That's funny I swear Callie told me she was 16 yesterday, is today her birthday? And, nobody has noticed?

It got round to me next "Hi, my name is Demi, I'm 18 and I love anything musical" I smiled

The girl next to me then said "Hi, my name is Lilly" she paused, she seemed very shy "I'm 16" she continued "And I play the piano and the flute"

This girl seems nice, maybe I could get to know her, she is musical like me and we would have something to talk about. I wonder if she sings as well, since she plays the piano.

It went around the rest of the circle and everyone said there name, age and something about themselves.

Once everyone had said something the lady, Elaine, got up and said "Okay everyone, I haven't got a proper session planned for today so you can do anything you like, within reason. I've set out some drawing things and some painting crafts over there" she pointed to a table behind me to the right. "And, I've set up some modelling clay over there" she said pointing to a table behind me and to my left.

Everyone then got up, Callie headed straight over to the drawing table but didn't sit at the table she pulled chair away and sat against a wall by herself. I guess she must like to be alone.

I didn't know where to go, to me, this all seemed a bit childish; I mean if your into drawing or modelling or things arty then this would be a great sessions, but I'm more musical.

I looked at the girl sitting next to me, while I was taking in everything that was going on, she had got out her headphones and was playing music off an old style IPod. I decided to do the same; I didn't really fancy drawing, painting or modelling.

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