Chapter 1

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"Hey I told you to get us strawberry flavoured, not mango!", Carla said pushing me against the wall.

"S-sorry", I muttered, "They didn't have any".

Lola laughed, "That's not a good enough excuse".

Carla smiled and nodded. She opened the bottle of mango juice and smirked , "If we don't want it, then you can have it".

With thats she poured the mango juice on my head. Not the first time this has happened. Knowing what I should do, I stood still till she finished the two bottles. Once she was done, she threw the bottles aside and spoke, "Next time, learn to follow our orders".

She and Lola turned around and walked away, leaving me there, dripping with mango juice. I took off my glasses, tears threatening to spill as I walked back into school wiping my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt.

All this started because of my stupid glasses. Back in middle school I used to be a normal student. Had a couple of friends, not much. But nobody used to be mean to me. But as high-school started, I got a note from the eye doctor after my monthly check up, saying that my eyesight has gotten weaker and I might need to wear glasses.

I hated the glasses the moment I put them on. But I didn't get bullied so fast. Going back to school, I did get teased a little but all of that was OK. But when one of best friends moved to another school and my other best friend to Australia, I didn't have any proper friends.

That made me quiet, soon I hardly spoke with kids in my class and spent the recess time everyday sitting in classrooms, listening to music. Being the shy, quiet kid I am now made me a easy target for bulling. And now I just have to put up with it.

I walked up to my locker and opened it to find it filled with scrunched up papers. I sighed and closed it, leaning my head on it I took out my phone to call Amy my new best friend, a girl like me, to see if she got back from San Francisco. Just as I was about to call her a girl came running up to me.

"Hey! Rihanna how are you?", she asked.

"Huh? Who- Wait are you....Amy?", I asked shocked.

"Yeah it's me! What do you think of this new look?", she asked excitedly jumping up and down.

"Wow....I mean you look awesome".

Amy has changed a lot within two weeks. She has dyed her black hair brown and curled it. Along with that she has gotten bangs and had gotten rid of her glasses and replaced it with contact lenses. She was even wearing makeup now!

But when she got a good look at me her expression changed, "OMG! DID THOSE TWO DO SOMETHING AGAIN!?", she yelled making people look in our direction.

"Amy! Shh", I hushed her, "And yes, they did".

Her frown deepened, " Come on, I have a jacket in my locker, you can wear that, since you're.....well wet", she said which made me laugh a little.

I put on Amy's jacket and the two of us walked to class together. As we entered the class everyone looked in our direction. Was it because my hair was still wet? Or was it because of Amy? And guess what my second guess was correct, Lola and Carla rushed to her and immediately started talking to her.

"Are you new?".

"Wow I love you hair".

"Come hangout with us, not this loser", was what Carla said as she and Lola dragged Amy away.

"Oh but I'm here with a friend", Amy said gesturing towards me which made me feel an amazing amount of gratitude for her.

Lola laughed, "Believe me when I say, she's nothing but a loser, we're the type of people you should hang out with".

Wonderful. Just amazing. I lost another friend. When will my life get better?

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