Chapter 6

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I walked in to the classroom and sat at the very back of it, taking out my phone I texted Amy.

Me: I decided to get a makeover after all


Me: cousins already did that

Amy: Oh... that's ok I guess

Me: Thank god, BTW I'll be sitting at the last row next to the window

I can't wait to see Amy's reaction and what's better we're in the same homeroom class again. I was staring out the window when I heard a loud scream. Amy ran towards me and leaned in really close to me.

"Um...Amy what are you doing?", I asked.

" that you?", she asked.

I nodded, "Complete make-over".

Amy's jaw dropped and she fell back onto a chair, "No way".

"Yeah it's pretty shocking but it's still me Rihanna".

Then she stood up with excitement and an smiled, "YOU LOOK AWESOME!", she squealed.

I grinned back at her, "Thanks".

The bell rang and students started filing into the class. All of them staring at me. I ignored all the stares and carelessly flipped through my notebook until Kyle walked in. He has been my crush since middle school but I was too scared to confess to him thinking he'll reject me.

But now I have feeling he won't if I do confess cause he sat in front of me and turned around to face me. By now Carla and Lola were glaring in my direction. Of course since I knew they both liked Kyle too.

Ha bitches he looks interested in me.

I smirked at them and turned my attention to Kyle.

"So, you new here?", he asked.


The door opened and our new homeroom  teacher walked in. She stood in front of the class and turned to the white board and wrote her name there.

Mrs. Henderson

She then turned back to us and smiled tightly like she was wishing she was anywhere but here. But her smile turned into a scowl when her eyes rested on me.

"You!", she said pointing at me, "Stand up".

I rolled my eyes and stood up with my arms crossed across my chest, "Yes".

"First of all, why do you have so many tattoos? Do you think that's appropriate for school?", she asked.

"I have a lot of tattoos 'cause I want to and I think it's appropriate, we should be able to be the person we are without getting in trouble for it. Isn't it what all adults say? Be yourself", I said and noticed that everyone including Amy were staring at me.

Mrs. Henderson shook her head and spoke, "Then what about the outfit, it surely doesn't seem appropriate, I'm gonna have to send you to the office".

I opened my mouth to speak but then a boy ran into class and Mrs. Henderson's attention turned to him.

"Why are you late?", she asked.

"Missed the bus", he said walking down the aisle to where I was sitting, "I normally sit here", he said throwing down his backpack on to the table.

"I was here first and I've never seen you before", I said leaning back casually.

"I'm new, now move".

"I'm not gonna".

He sighed and sat down on my table, "I'll sit here then".

"ZACH BELLFORD GET OFF THE TABLE!", Mrs. Henderson yelled.

Zach. So that's the idiot's name.

"Zach", I said, "Get off".

He ignored me and turned to Mrs. Henderson, "Since I'm new here, I should get to sit where I want".

Mrs. Henderson sighed and looked at me, "Actually I think Rihanna Blue is new too".

"Who's Rihanna", he asked.

"Me you jerk", I said jabbing a finger at his side.

He smirked at me, "Nice name".

I rolled my eyes and Mrs. Henderson spoke, "OK stop this now, Amy move to the seat Infront of you and Zach sit next to Rihanna".

"WHAT?!", Zach and I yelled in unison.

"Now", Mrs. Henderson demanded and right now she looked like a demon.

So we did as we were told and I inched my chair as far away as possible from Zach. It's gonna be a long day.




As soon as the bell rang everyone rushed towards me except for Zach who left.

"Excuse me", I heard a voice say above all the other voices.


Everybody parted like the red sea for Carla and Lola. The two of them walked up to me and smiled, "You know we had a girl called Rihanna Blue before", Lola said.

"Oh come Lola, you can't be serious", Carla laughed, "There's no way this Rihanna Blue could be that dork. Right?".

"Oh um.. yeah I uh know her", I said nervously.

"Hmm how?", Lola asked crossing her arms.

"She's my cousin", I said quickly, "We have the same last name because of that reason but I don't know why we both are called Rihanna".

"Makes sense", Carla spoke.

"Now come on you and Amy can sit with us", they said dragging us away.

On our way to the cafeteria I saw Zach and I mouthed jerk at him and he rolled his eyes. I didn't see where we were going and bumped into some ones chest.

OH SHIT. It's Kyle.

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