Chapter 19

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The whole school knows Zach and I are dating. Probably since both of posted that wallpaper thing. And Zach was not helping matters, he was making it way obvious.

Like for example when I walked out of the library after I returning a book I borrowed, he was waiting for me and literally kissed me on the spot.

And I'm pretty sure a couple of teachers saw it too. I met Amy at lunch and she looked really excited.

"It's so amazing that you're with him!", she squealed.

"It's not even true", I said rolling my eyes.

"What do you mean?".

So I told her everything and she was shocked that I agreed to do that.

"He's a good friend, so why not help him?", I answered opening my can of coke.

At that moment Zach entered the cafeteria and headed straight to our table. Amy, seeing that stood up and said that she had homework to do. Winking at me she left and all I could do was roll my eyes.

"Hey Rihanna", Zach greeted me, "You know everyone really believes that we are dating?".

"I know and honestly I'm sick of it", I said.

His face fell as he looked down at the table, "Sometimes I wish you stayed the way you were before".

"You didn't even know me back then".

"I did, back in middle school, the boy who poured water on you every Friday afternoon until you told your parents and the teachers didn't let me do that anymore".

I stared at Zach with my mouth open in shock, "N-no way".

I knew that guy's name was Zach too but never occurred to me that it was the same Zach who was currently sitting in front of me. I honestly hated that guy when I was younger. Possibly was the most annoying person to exist.

But now he had changed. Just as I've changed. I guess that's just how everything works. As Mom always says nothing says the same, everything changes, some for good, others for bad but even the bad times will change to good within time.

Guess I still believe it. Even though I don't if the change I've gone through was good or bad. But for one thing Zach's change was definitely for the best.

He nodded, "Look if you hate this fake dating thing so much you don't have to do it".

"Um...ok", I replied feeling guilty since I made him feel bad about himself.

"Anyway I wanted to take you to the amusement park that  just opened up", he spoke again.

"Oh...really?", I asked.

"Mmm you wanna?".

"Hell yeah!", I cheered.

He immediately cheered up and then glanced at my wrist in which I was still wearing the bracelet he gave me.

"You still wear it".

"Mm yeah it's cool, but if you don't want me to  I won't".

"No wear it, I still have mine too", he said holding up his wrist and smiling.


The amusement park looked amazing!  There was so many games and I played pretty much all of them. Zach for some reason payed for me too.

We rode the roller coaster in which Zach screamed as if he was being murdered.

"I need to calm down", he spoke as he leaned agasint the railings separating us from the roller coaster.

I laughed and stood next to him as he took deep breaths. I looked around and saw a Ferris Wheel.

He saw where I was looking, "You wanna go?".

"I guess".

"Let's go then", be said grabbing my hand

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