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My phone woke me up with a loud ring at around 7 AM, and I wondered who would be calling at that time. When I saw the caller ID, I was surprised and answered the phone immediately.

"YEDDEONG~" she whined through the phone, causing me to briefly move it away from my ear due to the loudness.

"What's up, Ryu?" I asked with a hint of fatigue in my voice. I had just woken up and hadn't even had a glass of water yet.

"You said you'd be here in the morning... but you're not here," she said, her disappointment evident in her tone. Ryu could be quite clingy at times.

"I meant I would drop by after I wake up, not necessarily at the same time you wake up, Ryu. Give me some time, and I'll be at your house soon, okay?" I stood up and held my head, feeling a bit dizzy from standing up too fast.

"Fine. Hurry, because I miss you," she said before hanging up. I groaned and headed towards the bathroom to freshen up.

After about 15 minutes, I was ready to leave. My family was curious about why I was visiting Ryujin so early, but I told them she needed my help with something. Hyunjin offered to drive me since he had basketball practice soon, so it wasn't an inconvenience.

Now, I'm standing in front of Ryujin's house, having just said goodbye to Hyunjin. I walk up the steps to her porch.

I rang the doorbell and the door immediately opened. it was like she was just waiting by the door.

"Hi, Yeddeong!" She pulled me inside and quickly shut the door.

"Hi, Ryu. Don't you think it's too early? How's your sickness?" I took off my shoes and used the back of my hand to check her temperature.

"I feel much better now. I can cook breakfast for you!" She dashed into the kitchen before I could even object. I sighed and followed her into the kitchen, amazed at how energetic she was after being sick yesterday.

"Ryu, you don't have to make breakfast-"

"I'm already doing it!" She exclaimed excitedly, sticking out her tongue from the corner of her mouth.

"Alright, Chef Ryujin. What are you making?" I walked over to the kitchen counter where she was preparing bread slices.

"French toast because you missed it last time," she replied in a quieter voice. I wasn't sure what she meant by that.

"Is it just us today?" I looked around the kitchen and briefly scanned the house, but there were no signs of the other girls.

"Of course! Should we invite them over?" She nodded as I shrugged in response.

"I'll call them," I said, pulling out my phone and dialling the other three. They all agreed to come over soon.

Ryujin finished making her French toast with some assistance from me, or rather, I was learning how to make it from her.

The other three arrived just in time, and Ryujin welcomed them inside. She made extra French toast for everyone, so we all sat around the kitchen island counter eating.

"Hey, how come I've never had this before?" Chaeryeong mumbled with her mouth full. Yuna looked at her adoringly, smiling and helping her eat.

"You're just not special enough," I teased, taking another bite of my toast and grinning as Chaeryeong frowned.

"Did you have it too, Yuna?" Chaeryeong asked, still frowning and sounding a little betrayed.

Yuna hesitated but eventually admitted that she had. Chaeryeong's frown deepened.

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