Chapter 2- Part 2 Libra Girl's Academy- Samidare Yui

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But the black cloak is nowhere to be seen in the room.


Instead, in the center of the room are two large rectangular boxes side by side. Crosses are engraved on the lids of the boxes.

These are coffins.

The two coffins are placed side by side.

What's the connection between the chapel and the coffins? I looked around the room again. I could see at a glance that there is no one here. If there is any place to hide—

"I- I know you are hiding there!" I shouted at the coffins.

I did see the black cloak entering this room. They have nowhere to go except here. The black cloak must be inside one of the coffins. The question is, in which of these coffins they are hiding—

Is this going to be another game that forces me to make a choice? I wonder if there will be any punishment if I guess wrong?

I approached the coffin and tried to push it to the side with the tip of my shoe to confirm the weight. One of the coffins must be heavier since the black cloak should be inside.

I tried both coffins, and the weight on both sides felt almost the same. In fact, I couldn't move the two coffins at all with my foot. I walked away from the coffins and compared the two. Regardless of which one has the black cloak, this situation is quite advantageous for me.

I can simply just seal the two coffins so that they cannot be opened.

Yes, surely this is the correct answer.

Maybe the murderer didn't expect me to wake up so soon, were they preparing to arrange the complicated locked room technique? And they were caught off guard and chose to escape because I woke up too early.

I moved the desk that was placed against the wall to the coffins. Although this desk can be moved with my hands, it shouldn't be easy to open the coffin lid from the inside if it's pressed on top of the coffin.

I lifted the desk and planned to put it on top of a coffin's lid. At this time, a coffin in front of me trembled slightly. Someone is inside!

There must be someone in this coffin.

But something feels a bit wrong.

"Hmph– Hmmph—"

The voice sounded like a desperate call for help.

Since the voice sounded so desperate, I couldn't help but reach for the lid.

I pressed my hands on the lid and pushed it open with little effort. I see inside the coffin.

A person lying there on their back—

No black cloak, but a girl in a sailor uniform.

She is unable to say anything because of the tape on her mouth. she looks uninjured, and her glossy black hair and white hair band are striking. She is probably a high school student, and the uniform she is wearing seems to belong to the same school as the victim I saw in the other room earlier.

Our eyes met.

She looked at me with terrified eyes.


"N-no, I'm—"

It seems she is mistakenly thinking I'm going to attack her.

On closer inspection, she has handcuffs on both hands and shackles on both feet; she was put in the coffin without being able to move.

"Wait, I'll save you right away. I'll tear off the tape for you." I slowly removed the tape covering her mouth.

"Help! Please don't kill me!"

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