11 | Sweet

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I hummed to myself as I made my way in the middle of the crowded and noisy hallway, relaxed and calm despite my surroundings. I still can't believe that I asked Julia to come over at my place to hang out today. I'm part excited and part anxious. No one will be in the house at the time which is great because it'll be just us two. And that's the thing it'll be just the two of us. Alone with her in my personal familiar space, I call my home. As I closed my locker, quickly dumping my textbooks inside my backpack, I saw Julia coming out of the student counsellor's room.

The creases under her eyes created prominent lines, a slight frown rested upon her lips and her lovely blue eyes dull and sullen. Slowly after, she closed the door behind her and turned around to see a tall blonde-haired boy rest his hand on her shoulder. Blake. Girls loved swooning over him and his "good looks" and "perfect hair" but I personally didn't really see the charm that seemed to basically radiating off of Blake Georges according to many of the girls in our year and below. A smile etched upon her lips replacing the frown earlier, the blonde girl talked animatedly with the boy for a couple of minutes before they walked in the direction of the parking lot, hand in hand.

Thoughts of jealousy erupted in mind as I walked home, taking my precious time by going extra slow on the sidewalk. I knew they were just friends because a few days earlier Blake and Joanna happily made out in front of the main lockers, shoving in the loving couple image for everyone to choke on. I knew about all of that but I wanted to do that type of stuff with Julia. Holding hands, talking in the lunch breaks and being close to her but not in the just friends way like they do. When I get inside the house, Liam is hastily putting his soccer jersey on while Chris is trying to slip on his socks but fails miserably.

"Guys calm down what's the hurry? your match is in....." I checked the watch on my wrist and gasped "Ten minutes!"

"No shit Aurora!" Laim yelled in frustration as he gelled his hair back, turning his head back to look at me "If it wasn't for Chris' stupid after school detention we wouldn't have been in such a rush"

"Hey it wasn't my fault that Stacey has a crush on me and not you" Chris stated, filling up his plastic bottle with water from the small water vending machine in the kitchen.

They're arguing over a girl?

"Well you didn't need to pass that note in class now did you!"

"What's going on? and who is Stacey?" I asked, knowing full well that I knew what role this Stacey has in their argument.

"Oh Stacey Bradley is a girl who apparently has a crush on the both of us, Chris wrote her a note during class" Liam replied.

"You damn well know she likes me she hasn't even looked at you once" Chris hissed through his teeth, with a certain malice in his tone coming dangerously closer to Liam.

"Well I certainly didn't just imagine that I kissed her behind the bleachers last week" Liam smirked, inching his face closer to Chris' angry one.

"Shut up!" Chris roughly grabbed Liam's shirt and pulled him down to the floor.


"Guys knock it off!" I yelled in frustration as I removed Chris' hand from his deathly grip on Liam's shirt "Get up the both of you"

They both got up, disheveled and embarrassed. The bell rang that moment and I knew exactly who was behind that door. I opened the door, and saw Julia standing in a white jacket closing around her waist and slightly zipped up enough to cover her brown Lenny Kravitz graphic tee and black corduroy pants.

"Bad timing?"

My cheeks visibly burned up, "No no not at all come in" I rushed out the words.

Julia got inside the house, closing the door behind her and her eyes glinted with a sense of curiosity when she saw my younger brothers.

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