21 | New York

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New York was exactly like the movies. Maybe even better than the movies. My head stuck outside the window of Julia's car, my hair whipping in the air as the smell of sweater weather and mahogany wafts in the busy streets. Yellow checkered cabs, Fifth Avenue, the buzz of tourists wandering around Times Square. I took pictures of everything with an old Kodak Pocket Instamatic. When dad passed away and we were sorting stuff to take with us to New Haven. I found the camera and along with it, buttloads of packs that film in them. So, I decided to take it as a momento for the memory of my dad, plus I was sure some hippie pink-haired girl would absolutely kill me on the spot for it.

I looked over at Julia when I was done taking pictures of New York and she looked so poise. Her posture was relaxed, only one hand casually steering the wheel, and the black tinted sunglasses atop her nose made her look extremely cool. It was definite that the city didn't startle her at all. I captured the scene, with my camera hoping to keep that memory of her forever. I closed the window with a simple press of a button, shutting out all the dramatic wind that made me feel like I was in a 2000's movie.

"So where are we going first?" I asked excitedly, unable to hide the big grin I had growing on my face.

The first thing we did on the trip was explore Kykuit in a guided tour. I'll admit it. It wasn't for me initially but Julia was having so much fun with it that I played up my feelings at first so she wouldn't get bummed out about me not enjoying it. Acres of greenery surrounded us, and the sun shone down on the enchanted gardens, basking us in the little sunshine that winter offers, taking my breath away with every step I took in them with Julia and all the other tourists. I felt connected to nature more than ever and I decided to capture the beauty of the place with it.

The rest of the day went by in a complete blur. After visiting Kykuit, we went to a coffee shop where I ordered a tall glass of oat milk latte with a cholocate pastry I can't quite remember the name of right now, while Julia ordered nothing. I didn't question it too much because she insisted that she wanted to stay fit for an upcoming basketball match. Then, we made our way over to a bookstore where she introduced me to the beautiful world of exquisite hardcovers and the smell of old pages. I ended up getting myself three new books. Well, actually, Julia got them for me. The second I grabbed my wallet from my purse, she had already brought them for me with her fancy black American Express card.

Now, however, it is evening time and we're at the hotel. The Swan Lake show begins in an hour or so and that thought continuously runs in my mind as I sit on the edge of the shared bed, trying to shove my feet into pencil thin black heels. Julia is already dressed up, wearing a black and white pantsuit with gorgeous silver studs in her ears and shiny blonde hair, in a clean and properly curated bun, however two stray strands of hair still frame her face. I want to amaze her, I want her mouth to drop when she sees me in this silk dress. So, I look into a lone mirror and touch up my makeup with the soft bristles of my brush and a quick swipe of my hot red lipstick.

A gentle knock comes on the locked door. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah" I mumbled, quickly adjusting the straps on my shoulders.

I walked across the room and unlocked the door, before letting her in and making her stand in awe as I struck a dramatic pose. The blonde's eyebrows raised as she scanned my body with her eyes. I felt flushed with shyness under her unwavering gaze. The strappy coal black slip dress stopped below my kneecaps, exposing a lot of bare skin and I didn't know whether to be confident about it or to hide myself in layers of thick clothing. I watched as a smile rested on her lips and a nervous chuckle escaped her mouth.

"You like?" I chuckled back, as a smile of my own formed.

"I love it. Are you kidding me? ", she kissed me briefly before backing away slightly. "You look incredible"

"Thank you", I blushed at the compliments. "Did you get an Uber for us?"

"Yes, I did, but before we catch it . . ." she pulls out a square box out of the front pocket of her pants. "I want to give you this." The Swarovski logo and name were on it.

A bunch of questions popped up in mind instantly. "What is this?"

She opened the box in front of me, and a rose-gold bracelet with a crystalized pendant in the shape of a heart came into view. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes but I quickly blinked them away so as not to scare Julia. Oh my god, this was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me. A shy expression took over my face when the blonde put the bracelet around my wrist. When did she have the time to get me this overly expensive piece of jewellery? My insides warmed, and my cheeks flushed at the mere thought of her at the jewellery store, searching then finding this beautiful bracelet for me in secret.

"So, have you given bracelets to all of the girls you've been with before?" I asked, to ease the tension rising in my throat.

The girl gave me a half-curved smile in return. "Nope. Not really. Only to this one girl who has twin brothers is a Pride and Prejudice, die hard, and walks around with a halo around her head. Maybe you know her?"

"I don't think so. Doesn't exactly sound like anyone-," I got cut off.

The blonde took my face in her hands and kissed me so deeply, my eyes almost immediately fluttered shut. Her woodsy perfume engulfed me like a hug. My mind soothed, and a sense of calm and peace spread. God, she's so perfect. Julia backed away before holding her hand in mine. The cold and shiny Rado watch she wore pressed against my now bracelet-adorned wrist.

"Have you got your things?"

"Yep" I replied, my eyes restraining from looking at her lips.

"Well, let's get going then, lady." she smirked, a tone of amusement in her voice.

So, we made our way to the lobby of the hotel, and all around us were cafes and restaurants where potted plants, sparkling glasses of champagne, tux-wearing waiters and, of course, the wealthy lived without a care in the world with their butter knives elegantly held in their speck-free and manicured hands. It was quite shocking to see that in real life to say the least.

In the afternoon, when Julia and I checked into the hotel, we were offered Presecco in clear glasses. Presecco. The amount of luxury that these people bask in is unbelievable, but what is crazier to me is Julia is part of that world.

Sure, I've always known that her family is loaded, but she doesn't act like a stuck-up person. Despite her coming from a world that is a complete contrast to mine. My girlfriend has never made me feel inferior to her even though we come from different social classes. I had never really thought of our relationship like that until now. As we got inside our cab, the fear that I might get to meet some of her probably extremely rich relatives and friends crept up on me too late.


A.N. : Next chapter is New York Pt. 2 and will be in Julia's pov. Don't forget to like this chapter and comment what your favorite thing about it is! Take care and bye! ♡

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