Chapter 3

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Nebula woke up in a dark room. She could barely see anything. Noticing a flashlight behind a crate, she took it and turned it on.

She shined the flashlight around the room and saw the contestants who lost the quarter-finals. ThinkNoodles, PghLFilms, IamSanna, MeganPlays, Flamingo, Jackeryz, and Bandites. But, someone was missing, Calixo. Which is a bit odd, considering that he lost to Denis in Super Golf, and everyone in the room had lost in the quarter-finals. You would think he would be there. But he isn't.

Megan noticed that Nebula was in the room and walked up to her.



"What's your name?"

"Nebula. Your Megan, right?"

"Yeah, i am." "May i ask how you got here?" She asked.

"Well, i got knocked out by a hooded person and then i woke up in this room."

The others noticed Megan talking to Neb (Nebula) and Nebula explained how she got here.

"Hey, Lego? Why don't you have your suit?" Neb asked.

"Well, i was dragged backstage and knocked out. And when i woke up, i didn't have my suit."

"Okay then.."

They heard noises coming from outside the door. It sounded like someone or thing beating up or destroying some... robots? Whoever was destroying the bots kicked the door open.

Should i add other users in this story or not?
Also, happy new years! :D
Anyways, enjoy the rest or your day or night. Bye.

Word Count: 244 Words.

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