Chapter 33

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Our meeting went about as well as I knew it would. Two capos ended up dead, the Moretti's were skeptical of me taking over but they were more worried about one of their capos' wives, Vittoria, being missing. I brought that issue up after the Moretti's left since Vittoria was Giovanni's ex that had come back around a few months ago trying to sink her claws back in him. Thankfully it wasn't Giovanni but Nico who admitted to having her hidden. I don't care where she's at as long as she isn't causing problems with my family. The Accardi's had no objections to me being the Don and Edoardo didn't care who the hell ran things as long as they were aware of the marriage contract between Dante and Alessia. I made a mental note to pay him a visit once Dante takes over. I may not be able to get Alessia out of that contract without putting the family at a huge disadvantage but I can take care of him. I don't want him anywhere near my sister with the shit I've heard he's done to his wife. Dante is about as decent as a made man can be and he should be well aware that if he lays a hand on Alessia I won't be the only one coming for him.

We announced Luca as my underboss and Giovanni as a capo but he wouldn't be leaving until things with Mikhail were finally taken care of. After our discussion was over we formulated a plan to raid Luís' properties. We had specific teams of men for certain places and days, each strategically done in ways where Luís wouldn't even know we've been there. I didn't want him to figure out what we're doing because he would move Mikhail and make the odds of us finding him even worse than they already were.

When everything was planned out I made Giovanni call Toni and have him come to Raf's. No one bothered objecting as I pulled him into a headlock and sliced the top portion of his ear off for touching Polina like he did. If he hadn't been looking out for the family when he found her in Zio Alonzo's house it would've been more than just his ear. As pissed as I was at him, his expertise at hunting people down does come in handy.

After our meeting I became so busy I barely had a second to think. Everything Giovanni was in control of was handed over to me, everything I'd been in control of went to Luca and Luca chose a new capo to fill his place.

One by one our teams started raiding Luís' properties and each one came up empty handed. The longer it took the more annoyed I became. We searched every inch of every property we knew he owned but never found even a hint that Mikhail had been there. His house was the last place we had planned to search, it would be the least likely place he would keep Mikhail especially with how often Valentina threw parties there. I led the raid into his house, dying to get my hands on Mikhail but again we found nothing. Luís was adamant he had nothing to do with the Russians. We had to lock Luís in his house with a signal blocker to keep him from contacting Valentina while I figured out our next move and I still hadn't heard anything from Polina. I knew I was running out of time and it made me angry. Luís could only be hidden for so long until Valentina came looking for him. If she found out what we did it would start a war which would only hinder our search efforts.

I was pacing my office, mulling over all the information I had gathered when I got the call. Polina was spotted with her sisters and an unknown male at one of the Moretti's hotels. Adrenaline coursed through my veins in anticipation as I hung up and started calling all of my men to Raf's.

"How do you know she's coming here?" Giovanni questioned, his arms crossed as he slumped in his seat like a pouting petulant child.

My call had interrupted him watching Nolani pose in her most recent shoot for some expensive lingerie company and he was exceptionally sour over it.

"Because I know Polina." I answered simply.

I can't wait to see the fire in her eyes, that same one they held when we first met.

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