King For a Day

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I wake up to the sudden yelling of my parents. 

I hear the awful words being thrown. Many swear words. I have no idea what they are fighting about but I can tell it is not good, i'm guessing maybe money....or maybe one of them said something the other did not agree with.

I hate it when they fight like this, it makes me feel so uncomfortable.

I glance over to my alarm clock to check the time.

11:30 PM. Sometimes they'll be fighting at like 3 in the morning.

I reach over to grab my iPod off of my bedside table, put the headphones in my ears and start pumping out music loud. I put it on Tonight Alive.

I really love music, I mainly like rock genres but I have to admit I do enjoy some pop and stuff. Music really helps to calm me down, nobody can help me that way...Just music.

I feel tears slowly roll down my face and I start to get a throbbing headache, I often get headaches from depression and stuff.

My eyes quickly open to reveal my mum shaking me and yelling at me.

Oh shit, I must have missed my alarm. It's 8 AM and it goes off at 7:30.

I fell asleep listening to music so it must have blocked the sound of my alarm out.

I quickly hurry to get ready for school and as I am making my way to the door way I stop as I notice my parents yelling at my 13 year old brother.

I run into the living room to see what is going on.

"Dominick, LOOK AT THIS!" My mum yells at him, "You have failed your english, maths and science. We send you to that fucking school for a reason you know, not so you can fail the most important subjects."

My brother must be failing because I know he hates school and finds it hard to concentrate. He also gets bullied...not as bad as me though but still, our parents even know all of this.

I run over and barge in front of my brother making my parents move their focus to me.

I give them unkind glares and am so close to packing all of my stuff and running away, with my brother.

"What do you want missy?" My dad asks in a really unkind tone.

"Leave him alone, maybe if you treated him right then he wouldn't have so much on his mind and would do much better at school."

"Alright smart aleck, is that all?" My mum asks in a angry voice.

I stare at them in complete anger and furiousness.

Then my mum raises her hand and slaps me across the face hard, I feel a painful sting and my eyes start to water. My parents make their way out of the room ignoring us and I hold my brother tightly as I can see he is crying and feeling terrible.

My brother is the lucky one here though, he has friends who love him, he has girls after him and I have to admit, even though he is my brother, he is quite cute.  

We walk outside the door and head in different directions as we go to different schools.

As I am walking to school I let all of the tears slip out, my eyes are stinging from all of the crying. Why is this world so fucked up? Why is it some people get life so good and others get it worse? I know I am not as bad off as some people but still... it doesn't mean anyone should have to go through any of this.

I put my headphones in listening to the loud music pump through my ears and try to wipe away the tears from my soaking face and red puffy eyes.

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