The Forgotten

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As I get closer to my house on my walk home I tremble in fear to the thought of seeing my father again. I would have gone to the park or something for a bit just to waste some time, but that would have only exasperated him more.

I wonder what he would have done to Dominick because he gets home before me.

When I finally reach my house I notice that my dads car is not here. Well this is odd. Where would he be? He doesn't work or anything.

I open the door to my house and quietly walk inside.

"Hey honey, everything okay?" My mum's exhausted voice asks.

"Yeah," I mumble, "Where's dad?"

"I think he went out to the bar to get drunk and do a bit of gambling." She replies.

Oh right, why didn't I think of that. He does that sometimes.

I continue walking to my bedroom when I see my little brother in the living room sitting on the sofa. So I run into the living room, chuck my bag on the ground and wrap my arms around Dominick tackling him onto the ground. Getting him off of his lazy ass and onto the ground does not take much hard work, especially when he isn't prepared for it, so within a second we are both laying on the floor bursting with laughter.

I wish we could be like this all of the time, but when dad's home we can't, we can't do much fun things when he's home. I guess thats why I isolate myself in my bedroom so much and just listen to music.

It would also be much better if mum wasn't always changing her mood. One minute she's really angry and yelling at us and the next minute she's all nice. Though I have to admit, she hasn't yelled at us for a while.


As I arrive at school I notice a lot of students waiting at the school gate. We all need to catch the buses to the athletics day so I guess I better go over there.

I sit next to Kim on the bus because we don't really get much time to just talk. Regina, Tabitha, Zoe and Charli have been being really mean to her because she left them. I remember I always hated Kim, I thought she was an absolute bitch, I didn't see any good in her at all. I guess I underestimated her, I never would have guessed that this cruel, censorious girl could be so kind and gentle. I never knew that the girls had been making her treat people so ruthlessly just for their acceptance. All I ever saw was the eyes of an enemy, someone who I could never learn to trust or get along with.

Kim is actually a great friend, I am so happy she left the girls for us.

When we arrive at the field that the athletics day is being held at I notice many other schools, so many different school uniforms. I hate athletics day, I always have. Seriously, whats the point of it when you're someone who isn't even in any events?

The teachers just told us to go off and that we can sit anywhere in the seating areas, just as long as we all come back to the place we got off the bus on time.

We begin to walk, searching the crowded area for some spare space, whether its on the grass on at a table. We continue to walk until Tyler falls over. He falls quickly and drops to the ground hard. Did he trip over?

When I turn around to see whats going on I notice two boys, about our age, so about in year 10. One of the boys is tall, his hair is blonde and he looks a bit like a jock, like the type of guy that girls would obsess over. Maliciousness flooded his eyes, he grimaced slightly.

The other guy is about average height, his hair is brown and short. He glared at Tyler with rage and disgust.

"Hey Tyler," The blonde haired guy chuckles, "Remember us?"

"Tyler, why'd you leave us? I thought we were buddies." The other guy says really loud attracting a few people gather around.

Most of these people who are gathering around must be from the same school as the boys because they're wearing the same uniform.

"Hey look it's Tyler." A girl yells causing even more people to come around. There is now a massive crowd, mainly filled with people from the same school. At this point Tyler is getting back up on his feet.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Some guy begins to call from in the crowd and quite quickly everyone joins in.

The blonde haired guy raises his fist and punches Tyler. I am dumbfounded, I don't know what to do, I can't even move. Tyler tries to fight back but a bunch of people grab him from behind preventing him from moving.

When the blonde haired guy raises his fist once again I finally get the strength to move, I quickly run in front of him.

"Stop! Leave him alone!" I yell at him.

"Oh Tyler, is this your girlfriend," The brown haired boy laughs, "She's pwetty."

"Fuck off, okay!" I yell in anger.

"No, Tyler deserves this, we used to always do this to him before he moved schools," The blonde guy angrily says, "Now we get another chance to do it again."

Wait, these are the fucking assholes who bullied him at his last school? I won't let them get away with this.

I am shaking so much right now, I am so nervous and I want to back out, I don't want to stand up to these guys, they seem too strong and confident...but I remember all those times Tyler has stood up for me.

Suddenly I find myself doing something I have never done before. I push the blonde haired guy. In fact I don't just push him, I shove him with all my strength, I didn't even know I was that strong to do that. He almost falls backwards, but then balances himself in time. Before he can do anything back to me I use all my strength once again to kick him really hard in the balls. I had dreaded this moment my whole life. Kicking a random guy in the balls. It's a bit gross...but I did it.

The guy crouches down and holds his balls tightly while screeching in pain. Then finally someone comes along. A teacher. I don't know what school they teach at, but I can tell they're a teacher because of the bright yellow vest and name tag.

"What is going on here?" He asks glaring at some of the people in the crowd with disappointment as if he must know them. Within a second the whole crowd has disappeared.

When I notice Kim, Oscar and Clayton walk up behind them I realize what has happened. They went to get help. I know I should have never physically hurt the guy, and I feel really bad about it. I know the best thing to do was the get help from someone who could stop this in a more sensible way. But I couldn't let them hurt Tyler.

The teacher looks at the boys who were bullying Tyler with horror in his expression, then Tyler runs off. I swear I even saw tears streaming down his face when he ran off, yet he seems so much stronger than that.

I quickly turn around and run after him.

"Tyler, wait!" I call. My eyes even begin to release tears as well.

Tyler finally stops behind the toilet building and sits down cupping his face in his hands and just sobbing. I slowly take a seat next to him rubbing my hand on his back. When I realize that it's not helping I hug him...I hug him so tight and we just cry together.

"Thank you so much for doing that Silva." He quietly cries.

"You don't need to thank me, you've done the same for me many times." I reply glaring into his eyes.

Then something happens that has never happened before. Something I never even thought would happen time in my life. Something that shocks me and gives me such a weird feeling.

A/N i'm gonna try and see if I can get another chapter up tonight or at least start it. XD the book hasn't got much longer left.

The Forgotten - Green Day

I know the songs don't have much to do with the chapters anymore, but can't work out what songs to do, but they still have something to do with the book in general.

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