Wait And See

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Today's my first day back at school since I ran away. I'm so tired. I don't even know if I can get out of bed.

I stay laying in my bed with closed eyes. I can't really open them. I hate this tired feeling you get when you can't even open your eyes.

All of a sudden I hear a knock on my door and then someone coming through it. It must be my mum coming to yell at me to get out of bed.

"Are you awake Silva?" Her voice softly asks.

"Mhmm." I reply too tired to actually speak.

"Well, honey, if you don't want to then you don't have to go to school today, I'm not going to force you."

Wait, this is unusual, she's not going to make me go to school? Wow.

"Okay, I won't then." I force out.

"Okay." She replies beginning to leave my room. But then I think about my friends. I think about Tyler and all of the texts he had sent me. He must have been so worried sick about me. Maybe I should go, even though I'm extremely tired.

"Wait, mum," I mumble, "I change my mind, I'll go to school."

"Alright honey, but you better hurry because you're late waking up." She replies.

When I am dressed and have everything packed I quietly leave my room.

I see my father in the kitchen I try to avoid him and stay out of his sight...but I have to walk through the kitchen to get to the door. I can't go through the back door because mums outside hanging washing out, she'll be very suspicious.

I try my hardest to not grab his attention while I'm walking past him. Thank God he's got his back to me. But it still fails.

"Silva!" He yells angrily.

"Yes." I murmur.

"Get over here right now." My father demands, his facial expression cold and callous.

I slowly walk to him, my whole body shaking as if I'm standing in Antarctica wearing shorts and a singlet.

"Faster!" He ordered furiously.

I start walking faster and within a few steps I am right in front of him.

He puts his hand under my chin lifting my head up so that I am looking him in the eyes.

"Did you think that was funny?" He yells.

"Did I think what was funny?" I ask terrified.

"Running away! What the fuck do you think?"

"No, I didn't, I'm sorry." I cry.

"You will be sorry, you owe me big time, I lost so much of my own time looking for you, a selfish spoilt brat like you!"

"Please calm down." I mutter in great fear.

"No! Don't you dare tell me to calm down."

"But you can't yell at me like this, this isn't right." I weep.

"I can yell at you like this, I am your parent." He furiously yells.

"No, it doesn't matter, parents may be allowed to yell at their kids, but not like this."

"I am your father, I can do whatever I want, I have the right to yell at you like this, stop being a spoilt little fucking princess!"

Suddenly I feel a sharp sting across my face, it's so hard I swear I was paralyzed for a few seconds.

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