Chapter 3- Pep Rally and the Cafeteria

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Addison pulled my hair up into the same way she does with her hair and put a bow in it. I couldn't understand how she got her hair tamed. She was talking to me about the zombie she met.

"Do you think they're actually coming?" I asked.

"Of course Zed's not coming," Addison reasoned. "I mean, zombies at a pep rally would be serious drama."

"There's zombies at the pep rally!" Bree exclaimed.

"They wouldn't dare," Bucky growled.

We looked out of the door. Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo were looking around. "Stacey, Lacey, Tracey. Bust out the spirit sticks."

Addison and I went out together and started the routine. People cheered our captain's name. He burst through a paper poster, landing perfectly. He greeted everyone. The drums started, and we flipped around, cheering.

Addison was lifted into the air. Bonzo broke through the crowd, pushing me and the catchers out of the way. Zed quickly slid in and caught her, somehow knocking his bracelet back to normal. People cheered in relief as I tried to calm down Bonzo.

"Bonzo. Bonzo, easy," I said.

"You speak zombie?" Bonzo asked, amazed.

"A bit. The fire won't hurt you, okay?" I assured him.

Bonzo nodded.


"Hello, students. This is Principal Lee. As you may have heard, the zombie students are now allowed to eat in the cafeteria. Ugh, just deal with it."

The zombie students walked into the cafeteria. I smiled, but acted like it wasn't a big deal. I was proud of Zed. He was getting rights for zombies back. Addison stared at Zed, smiling softly.

"You know, I just love the thought of flying through the air. Oh my God. Oxygen is so overrated. And so is dirt. Ugh, I hate doing the dishes. But it's like—I love soap. Isn't that weird?" Bree ranted. She looked at Addison. "Addi? Are you okay, Addi?"

"My heart's racing and my palms are sweaty," Addison stated.

"Oh, no! You have the flu," Bree realized.

"I don't think that's what's going on with our best friend." I smirked at Addison.

"It's Zed," Addison admitted.

"Wait. You like like him? You like like a zombie?" Bree questioned. "Wow."

"That's bad, right? Really bad," Addison said.

"No, Addison. It's great. You shouldn't care if Zed's a zombie," I reasoned.

"My parents would so freak out. Are we still friends?" Addison asked.

"To the end," I assured her.

"Hello. I have your back. No matter what," Bree promised. "It's just—I don't want anybody to break your heart. Or devour it. But—But, this is great. I mean, look. I swear on all that I hold dear, mostly glitter lip balm, I will tell nobody. It's cool."

"Well, nothing's going to happen. He probably doesn't even remember my name," Addison reasoned.

"Addison!" Zed called.

The cafeteria went silent for a moment. I rolled my eyes and ate another bite of my food.

"Well, I can't be rude," Addison reasoned. She got up and walked over to the table.

"What if they hurt her?" Bree hissed.

I smiled at Zed staring at Addison. "He likes her way too much to hurt her."

The Aceys pulled her back toward our table. I knew it wasn't going to be good.

"Okay, look. Your cousin is not going to be happy you're palling around with zombies."

"Cheerleaders don't support freaks."

"Woah, woah, woah. I am going to stop you right there. They are not freaks, they are never going to be freaks, and you need to cool your jets. And so does Bucky. Addison can do what she wants," I reasoned.

"Hanging with zombies can be hazardous. You could end up at the reject table like," they snapped, "that."

They walked away. I wrapped my arm around Addison and walked her out. I left her in the hallway. Zed followed her, making me smile. Bree watched her leave before we tried to stay calm with the other cheerleaders.

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