Chapter 9- Woods

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"Yes! I got invited to Prawn!"

The whole bus cheered and clapped. I was sitting with Addison, my head on her shoulder as I barely looked up at the two. Addison looked at me, smiling. She knew I was exhausted.

"Who are you going to Prawn with?" Addison asked.

"You know I'm interested in anyone at school, Addi," I groaned. "Didn't Zed ask you yet?"

"No. Do you think Zed forgot about me?" Addison asked, worried.

"Of course not," I reasoned. "Zed really likes you, Addi. I wouldn't be surprised if he was just waiting for the right moment."

"Look!" Bonzo exclaimed.

Addison, will you. Go to. The Prawn with...

"Zed!" Addison shrieked.

The bus screamed as we hit the ladder. Zed landed on top of the roof, no doubt hanging on for dear life. Addison and Zed put their hands together before he fell off. We crashed into the forest, hitting a lot of trees and crashed through a gate.

"Is everybody okay?" Bucky screamed. "Nothing can happen to me! I'm way too important!"

"Everyone, stay calm," Addison said.

"Stay in here until we can find help," I agreed.

Addison ran out, making me follow her. I knew the woods. It smelled like a different pack. My den was nearby. I looked around for Addison, knowing she wasn't safe. They could tear her apart if she trespassed.

"Who's there? Zed? Who's there? Hello? Can anybody hear me? Zed?"

"Addison!" I yelled, hugging her in relief.

I looked around. Werewolves. Addison stayed behind me as I almost reached for my necklace. The alpha howled, calling for her pack to retreat. I looked into her beautiful glowing eyes before she ran off.

Why did she look like the girl I met decades ago?

Addison turned, screamed, and right-hooked them. "Zed!"

I sighed in relief. They hugged each other tightly.

"I missed you too," Zed said with a smile.

"Zoe." I picked the girl up, smiling. She acted like Zed and I were her older siblings. With the bond Zed and I had, I wouldn't be surprised.

"We're not alone. We're surrounded by... werewolves." Addison whispered the last part.

"What? Wolves?"

"What wolves?"

"Here, wolves?"

"Were wolves?"

People started texting on their phones, probably announcing to all of Seabrook that there was a werewolf sighting. I rolled my eyes and used my phone to call for help. They brought us an ordinary bus to bring us straight to City Hall.

I was waiting for Mayor Wells to get up to the podium. She banged the gavel.

"By order of city council, effective immediately, all anti-monster laws are reinstated."

My eyes widened in fear. Everything was going back to the way it was. The barrier between the two worlds was closing hours later. I ran through Zombietown, trying to get back to my den.

I screamed as I tripped over someone's foot. He caught me, almost making me surprised. It was almost like I was in a dip. His brown eyes dilated as he stared at me. He seemed almost familiar to me.

"Hi," I said, smiling as surprise ran through my body. "Thanks for catching me."

He pulled me up. "Can't let a beautiful girl like you fall."

I scoffed, smiling. "Get out of here while you can." I ran again, finally making it to the Forbidden Forest and to my den.

I cried that night, knowing I wouldn't see Addison for a while unless it was for school. They wouldn't let me come over, since Addison was the only one who technically saw them.

I grabbed the fur coat and held it to my chest. It filled me with comfort and warmth. Like a little girl with her blanket or stuffed animal. I slowly calmed down by thinking about the happiness I felt in those hours. A happiness I always wanted to experience.

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