Chapter 16- Addison's Moonstone Mystery

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1: New Kid in Town

"...And then I hissed at her," Willa finished, taking me out of the focused state I was in doing homework.

"Come on. Aren't you going to put that down?" Wynter asked, trying to take the paper away from me.

"You know we lived through all of this, right?" Wyatt added.

"Don't remind me," I mumbled.

"Good morning!" Addison called.

The werewolves howled, making me smile.

"Put it down." Wyatt took the pencil out of my hand, making me pout. "Let's have our free time before we need to go to class."

"Why don't we have anything like that?" Zed asked, referring to the wolf call.

"Because, Zed. We zombies have brains," Eliza joked.

"Wait. Werewolves have brains too," Wynter pointed out. "I think. Wait, do we?"

"Of course we do, Wynter. Werewolves got the biggest brains of all," Wyatt explained.

"Hey. It's not a competition, guys," Willa reasoned. "Because no one can compete with us!"

"That's not true," Zed whined.

"Actually, it is. Werewolves do have bigger brains. Not, like, size. Brain-to-body ratio," I explained.

"Yet, you guys still chase after a stick," Eliza remarked.

"Because it's fun," Wyatt argued.

"Sure." I scratched under his chin to finish the tease.

"Are you excited for the pep rally?" Addison asked.

"Super hyped." I grinned. "First rally as team captains!"

"No, pressure, girls. But this could totally really make or break you," Wynter pointed out.

"Oh, yeah, Wynter. That doesn't put any pressure on them at all," Wyatt said sarcastically.

"I'm not worried. Addison will be amazing," Zed reasoned.

"We'll be amazing," Addison corrected him.

"Or else we'll hear all about it from Bucky," Eliza reasoned.

"Not if he knows what's good for him," Willa threatened.

"Which he usually doesn't," Zed pointed out.

The doors opened. A girl walked in. She looked nothing like a monster or a human.

"Here we go again," I mumbled.

2: Vanna's Empty Reflection

We were hanging up posters for the pep rally. I smoothed it out, smiling.

"This is looking great!" Addison said happily. "We're gonna make everyone feel fired up."

"You gonna jump through a giant picture of your face like Bucky?" Eliza questioned.

"Definitely not their style," Willa stated.

"Then I guess I shouldn't have made this." Wynter held up a poster of Addison and me back to back as Zed walked up to us.

"You look fierce, girls," Eliza assured us. "If I didn't know you two, I'd look at this and say, 'They must be co-captains!'"

"Strong leaders, too." Willa smiled at me as she leaned on my shoulder. "This is definitely one of the places you two belong in."

"This feels right," I agreed, smiling back at the Alpha.

"I wish everything did," Addison mumbled.

"Hey, you're going to rock this." Zed put a hand on Addison's shoulder. "You were born to cheer!"

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