Chapter 20- Memories

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A knock woke me up from my nap. I started crying, startled. A blurry image of Mom picked me up as Dad answered the door. He stepped aside quickly to let silver people in. I tried to focus my vision.

"Mr. and Mrs. (L/n), we have come to terminate your daughter, (Y/n) (L/n). Please set her on the table and step away from the area." The officers were holding weapons.

"Terminate?" Mom questioned. "I brought her father to this world and brought her into this world on the condition that you would leave us alone."

"A prophecy was found concerning your daughter. The high council has made the ultimate decision to sacrifice your daughter for the sake of the alien race. I repeat, please set her down and step away."


Immediately, the alien force started firing at my parents and me. We were able to sneak into the backyard and get to the small shuttle. Bullets hit the titanium, leaving it unaffected. Dad took off at light speed before one had the chance to hit the glass and shatter it.

"I'm so sorry, my baby girl." Mom set me down in a cradle. "Don't worry. We'll find utopia for us sooner than later."

"What prophecy were they talking about?" Dad asked, confused.

"I don't know. Only the council has access," Mom admitted.

It seemed like I had a time lapse. Things became clearer as Earth came into view.

"Utopia," Mom breathed. Mom put up a camera. "My name is Avina (L/n). I believe I have found utopia. My family and I have found a planet that seems to have life." Mom took a deep breath. "I am also here to expose the disharmony in the so-called harmonic society we have adapted..."

The lens A-lan showed me appeared. Then Vanna's crystal. A glowing seashell. The Great Alpha necklace. The Z logo made for the Z-Band. The five swarmed around my figure, making it turn fiery red. There was a flash, and then there was nothing.

"Wyatt!" I screamed, shooting up from my bed in my den. I heaved as I cried, trying to calm myself. The Alpha necklace glowed dark blue, making me confused. I couldn't stop shaking.

I jumped slightly when arms wrapped around me. I turned and hugged him tightly, crying into his shoulder. One hand tangled into my hair while the other held my back. I eased my breathing with his and the steady beating of Wyatt's heart.

"I'm right here. I'll stay with you. No more nightmares, okay? I'll make sure. I'll always be here, princess. Your big bad wolf is here to protect you."

I had to laugh despite my tears. Wyatt smiled. He always knew how to make me laugh.

I sat in the library, reading later that day. Bucky ran up to us. I rolled my eyes.

"Girls! You can't help those invaders," Bucky protested.

"Back off, Bucky," Willa groaned.

Wyatt and Willa walked into the room. "Your cousin's the cheer captain now. Not you," Willa reminded him.

"Thanks, Willa," Addison said.

"But Bucky is right," Willa admitted.

"I'm right?" Bucky questioned. "Yes. Of course I'm right."

"A little right," Wyatt snapped.

"I don't trust the aliens, Addison," Willa admitted. "Last time outsiders swooped into Seabrook, our moonstone was stolen. And this time, we might lose our shot of getting into Mountain College."

"Which is why we need to protect what's-"

I growled at him, irritated. He backed away. He quivered for a moment before running.

"Are you okay?" Willa asked as I snapped into my senses.

"You've been really... jumpy ever since last night," Wyatt reasoned.

"What happened?" Addison questioned.

"I don't know." I sighed. "Some stupid nightmare."

"What was it about? Getting a B+?" Addison teased.

"With what happened in my memory, that's the worst of my problems," I mumbled.

"Why are you reading about sleep again?" Addison asked curiously. "Ever since the werewolves came in, you've kinda mastered it."

"My memories used to be dreams before you guys came back into my life," I explained to the siblings. "Now that the aliens are here, it's back again. That nightmare last night? I lived through it." I took a deep breath. "I want answers to my dreams, Addi. There is absolutely no part of me that is human, and I want answers. Maybe if I researched more, things could come together."

"Why is Wyatt's necklace a faint red?" Addison asked.

"Stress level. Emotional connection between our moonstones," I explained nonchalantly.

Wyatt snaked his arms around my neck and laid his head on my shoulder. I smiled, laying my head on his arm as I continued reading. Addison and Willa left me alone, knowing I was under a lot of pressure.

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