12. 'So what's the plan?'

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"How long has it been since you've broken up?" Phillip's question is a simple one, but pokes at the tender wound Samson left in my chest.

"The reunion." I shiver. Something nasty is festering at the bottom of my throat. Words I wanted to throw at Samson but never let myself, circle like vultures, waiting for an opening, a moment of weakness. I squeeze my fists on my knees. "Although Samson clearly thinks we haven't."

"This Friday's reunion?" Phillip throws a confused glance my way.

"Yes, this Friday." My snarl hangs in the air between us. "I don't know about you, but I don't go to that many reunions." The piss in my voice is unwarranted. It's not Phillip's fault my head is pounding, thoughts scraping against the back of my eyes as nails on the glass.

"Sorry. I'm just—"

"I get it." Phillip's hand covers my fist that's still squeezing a napkin from the coffee shop. His fingers slide under mine, urging me to release the hold on myself. I flatten my palm. His remains like a comfortable weight on top, covering mine from knuckles to wrist.

I dead-gaze at the glove compartment in front.

Phillip moves his thumb over my pinkie. "I've been through a breakup or ten."

"I think most of the world is aware." I sound flat, but at least I'm not trying to bite his head off.

"Yeah." He chuckles.

I lift my chin and watch him navigate the straight empty streets of the complex.

"You might have a break-up expert on your hands. I broke up with people, people broke up with me." The corner of his right eye wrinkles with a smile. "I've got most scenarios covered." His self-deprecating humor is the final drop that takes the storm in my chest down to a tropical rain. "So if you need any advice or a shoulder to cry on." He purses his lips and side-eyes me.

"Is that before or after you're done kidnapping me from my workplace?" I can't smile but I don't want to cry either.

"I was thinking of this more like a prison break."

Prison break. Is breaking up with Samson that? Was Kate's view of the last ten years of my life the correct one? And if this is my break, where do I go?

Phillip lifts his hand off mine and places it on the wheel to take a sharp left turn onto the ramp of the highway. I want his hand back. I want some solidity and certainty back into my life. Phillip completes the turn and finds my eyes with his. "Tell me where you want to go and I'll take you there."

He can't take me back into my past where I had my finance, my plan, and all the assurances that I was on the right track. But he can take me back home. "How about you take me to pack my bags. I can't wear Kate's clothes tomorrow."

"Enter it into the GPS." Phillip's gaze points to the screen between us and for a millisecond flies to the V on the shirt that exposes the top of my bra.

I give the collar a tug up, as my B cups do not require much material to conceal them and enter the address of my and Samson's apartment.

When we get to our building, I direct Phillip to the guest parking. "Thanks. I'll take it from here." I unbuckle the seatbelt.

"How much are you packing?" Philip unbuckles his.

"As much as fits into my car."

The leather seat squeaks as he turns to me. "There are companies that can come pack stuff for you and move it to your new place."

Love Expectations (Season 1 of Nata and Phillip's Romance) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now