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"Oj, we really need those stairs. Like, bad. Everyone's demanding them now, apparently it's also something to do with the 'annoying elevator music'." Paper was Oj's second in command in managing the hotel- he was quite helpful when it came to decisions and keeping everyone happy.
And apparently the stairs are relevant- Oj didn't really understand the need for stairs, exactly. There's two elevators- that should be more than enough. But, not everyone has the same opinion on that matter, unfortunately.


Oj and Paper then called in some... workers to help put in some stairs- it took a few days, because of the planning, and where the stairs will go, and where the rooms will go- but the planning seemed to be fine, so nothing too bad could happen, right? The stairs will even have safety measures put in, like softer steps and more grippy bars around, so hopefully no one... dies? Who knows, at this point- everyone can be quite reckless at times.

As the construction workers came in, everyone was instantly ready to cause some sort of chaos... especially Yang. Yin tried their best to keep control, but failed, ultimately.
And Tissues never. Stopped. Sneezing. The poor workers would all go home sick.
Fan was taking pictures for her blog- and constantly vlogging. Ever since she told everyone about her identity, her confidence has grown- which is a positive- but sometimes there are the downs, too. But still the same old fan. Never, ever, stops vlogging.
Then there was Cheesy and Trophy- Trophy was trying to 'prove himself' to the workers- saying he could 'help' because he's so, 'big and strong', but then proceeds to drop things and make a mess.
And Cheesy- oh, Cheesy. Always carrying around a joke book, non-stop asking the workers why the damn chicken crossed the road.
And then there were everyone else, too.
Paintbrush was mad because they dropped a cup or something- and ended up buring one of the steps altogether. Just- burnt the whole thing. And microphone was in a 'singing mood' today. That just says everything in itself.
Soap was nagging at the workers about how 'unkept' they were, and that their 'cleanliness levels' were horrible. Pickle and Bomb, weren't so bad, thankfully, they were just minding their own business. Aswell as Cherries. Test tube was up in her new room, busy with her science, thank the lord. But Salt and Pepper were just being themselves- and literally gossiping about certain workers- INFRONT of them. When will it end? Oj thought to himself

Things seemed to be going somewhat better- until there was a bang from the left side of the hotel. Oh no.
"YES!! WE RULE THE WORLD!" There was Yin-Yang, on top of ... something?? Holding... a plank. This could only end badly. But then, in came Tissues. "Yang... just listen to Yin and get down... I really, really want these sta- ah- CHOO!" And that's when everything went wild. "Oh my goodness! And this, is what's happening at Hotel Oj! I call it, the crazy stair renovation process! And-" As Fan was monologuing, Microphone noticed, and butted in- "Fan! Don't be rude! You can't record without Oj's permission!! You know that, right?!" "But that's unfair! The blog calls, Microphone!"

And meanwhile chaos was stirring up, Oj and Paper were sitting in probably the quietest room in the hotel. "Paper, do you HEAR them out there? Managing them is like trying to manage grains of sand in the wind! Impossible.." As Oj was complaining, Paper put a hand on his shoulder. "Oj, they're all a bit.. mad, but it's probably just because they're excited for the stairs! You did the right thing, and soon it'll all be done, and everyone will just be back to normal, like the flip of a switch." "... Maybe you're right, thanks, Paper." "No problem. Now, lets just go out there, and try to manage those... grains. Yeah?"


Oj walked out of the 'quiet room' with Paper, and down the hall, to where it sounded like a funhouse full of children. Microphone and Fan were still going at it, Yin-Yang was still being... Yin-Yang, Tissues was still sneezing, Paintbrush was still mad.. ecetera. But then Oj decided he needed to put on his Hotel-manager voice, and make everyone quiet so they can have their precious stairs sooner.


And everyone was silent. You could hear a pin drop now. Soon enough, they began walking away, and sulking like children who had just been scolded. Even though that may aswell be what they were at the moment. And then all was peaceful. The workers gave a look that could only mean, 'Thank you, thank you so much.'

And finally, the stairs were finished. They were soft, and The bars were grippy, there was absolutely, no way anyone could get hurt. And now everyone stopped fighting, and they finally, were, quiet. As Oj was thanking Paper for the advise back in the 'quiet room', Lightbulb came back, (apparently, the show parameters only existed in her mind-) and she began going up and down the stairs, while running, talking about how nice it is the elevator music will never have to be heard again- before - "And now that silly elevator musi-WOAH-" And... Smash.
All Oj could do was just sigh. So much for safety measures, right?

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